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Q: What conclusion cannot be made from two DNA fingerprints that show identical patterns?
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Do twins have different fingerprints?

Yes, twins have different fingerprints. Even identical twins, who share the same DNA, have unique fingerprints because fingerprints are formed randomly in the womb due to factors like pressure and environment.

Can fingerprints be permanently destroyed?

No, fingerprints cannot be permanently destroyed. While they can be altered through injuries or skin conditions, the patterns remain unique to each individual for their entire life.

Why do fingerprints tell a person's identity?

Fingerprints are unique to each individual due to the patterns of ridges and valleys formed on the skin during fetal development. These patterns do not change over a person's lifetime, making fingerprints a reliable method for identifying individuals.

Is it possible to alter fingerprints?

Fingerprints cannot be easily altered, as they are formed by the ridges and patterns on the skin. Attempts to alter fingerprints, such as through surgery or chemicals, are typically not effective and can be medically dangerous.

Can you obtain birth time information from fingerprint?

No, birth time information cannot be obtained from fingerprints. Fingerprints only provide information about a person's unique patterns on the skin's surface and are not related to birth time. Birth time is typically recorded separately when a person is born.

Can you get fingerprints off a tortilla?

No,you cannot.

What type of fingerprint that cannot be seen with the naked eye?

Latent fingerprints are the types of fingerprints that aren't visible to the naked eye.

Could you use ethiol to make fingerprints show up?

No, you cannot use ethiol to make fingerprints show up. However, you can certainly use ethanol to make fingerprints show up.

What does latent figerprints mean?

There is a good chance that fingerprints are present, but they cannot, or have not been found.

What if ice cant find where an illegal alien comes from?

That's not likely to happen since it is actually very easy to determine where a person is from, based on linguistic patterns, medical attention, dental records, fingerprints and psychological profiles. If a person cannot be identified, they will probably remain in custody.

What are some Conclusion paragraphs on birth control?

Your conclusion paragraph is a summary of what you have written in your essay. We cannot read your essay to know what you have written so we cannot write your conclusion for you. Besides, that would be cheating and that's wrong.

Can a sound argument have a false conclusion?

A sound argument cannot have a false conclusion. A sound argument refers to a deductive argument which is valid and has all true premises, therefore its conclusion cannot be false.