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Chalcocite is a copper ore mineral that primarily contains copper sulfide (Cu2S) as its main compound. It may also contain small amounts of impurities such as iron (Fe) and sulfur (S).

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Q: What compounds does chalcocite contain?
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Copper(I) oxide (copper(I) oxide): Cu2O Nantokite (copper(I) chloride): CuCl Chalcocite (copper sulfide): Cu2S

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Copper is commonly found in minerals such as chalcopyrite, bornite, chalcocite, and malachite. It is also found in various copper-based alloys and in some organic compounds.

What metal is obtained from the ore chalcocite?

Chalcocite is a copper(I) sulfide (Cu2S), an important copper ore mineral

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No, aerosols do not contain chlorine compounds.

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Organic compounds contain carbon.

What is the streak of chalcocite?

Chalcocite does not exhibit a streak because it is a soft mineral that usually leaves a black residue when streaked on a streak plate.

What element do organic compounds always contain?

Organic compounds always contain the element carbon.

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it contains carbon and hydogen.inorganic compounds do not contain carbon.

What does organic compound contain?

Organic Compounds contain carbon, and almost always hydrogen.

What Discribes organic compounds?

Organic compounds are compounds that contain carbon.