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Q: What compound is reacts with magnesium to produce hydrogen gas?
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Magnesium reacts with water?

Magnesium reacts with water to produce magnesium hydroxide and hydrogen gas. Mg + 2H2O ---> Mg(OH)2 + H2

In the reaction between magnesium and sulphuric acid name a metal?

The metal in the reaction between magnesium and sulfuric acid is magnesium. Magnesium is a metal that reacts with sulfuric acid to produce magnesium sulfate and hydrogen gas.

What does magnesium have to react with to produce magnesium sulfate?

Magnesium will react with sulfuric acid to produce magnesium sulfate.

What happens to particles when magnesium and hydrochloric acid react together?

When magnesium reacts with hydrochloric acid, it forms magnesium chloride and hydrogen gas. The magnesium metal reacts with the hydrochloric acid to produce magnesium chloride, a salt, and hydrogen gas is released as a byproduct.

Magnesium reacts with phosphorus?

When magnesium reacts with phosphorus, they form magnesium phosphide. This compound is typically a gray solid and can release highly toxic phosphine gas when it reacts with water. The reaction is exothermic and can occur at high temperatures.

How does magnesium react in acid?

Magnesium reacts with acid to produce magnesium ions and hydrogen gas. The magnesium metal dissolves in the acid while releasing hydrogen gas as a byproduct. This reaction is typically fast and exothermic.

What gas is produced when magnesium reacts with zinc?

I am assuming you are mixing Magnesium and Zinc metals with an acid which would produce Hydrogen gas.

What is the name of the compound that formed when magnesium reacts with sulphur?

The compound that forms when magnesium reacts with sulfur is magnesium sulfide (MgS).

What salt is produced when nitric acid reacts with magnesium?

Magnesium nitrate is produced when nitric acid reacts with magnesium. This reaction also produces hydrogen gas.

What gas is formed when magnesium ribbon and sulfuric acid react?

When magnesium ribbon and sulfuric acid react, hydrogen gas is formed. Magnesium reacts with sulfuric acid to produce magnesium sulfate and hydrogen gas as a byproduct.

What is the name of the compound formed when magnesium reacts with sulphur?

The compound formed when magnesium reacts with sulfur is magnesium sulfide (MgS).

What is produced when magnesium and water react?

Magnesium reacts with water to produce magnesium hydroxide and hydrogen gas. The chemical equation for this reaction is: 2Mg + 2H2O -> 2Mg(OH)2 + H2.