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Q: What compares the brightness of stars as if they were the same distance from earth?
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What is a stars brightness as if it were a standard distance?

A star's brightness at a standard distance is referred to as its apparent magnitude. This standard distance is 10 parsecs (32.6 light-years) from Earth. Apparent magnitude allows astronomers to compare the brightness of stars as seen from Earth, regardless of their actual distance from us.

Is it true that two stars that have the same brightness are the same distance from earth?

Not necessarily. Two stars can have the same brightness but be at different distances from Earth. The distance of a star affects how bright it appears to us, so a closer dim star may appear as bright as a farther bright star.

What factors determine a stars brightness as seen from earth?

Distance from Earth, size of star, and temperature of star.

What factors determine a stars brightness seen from earth?

Distance from Earth, size of star, and temperature of star.

What are the three main elements that determine a stars brightness from earth?

The three main elements that determine a star's brightness from Earth are its luminosity (intrinsic brightness), distance from Earth, and any intervening dust or gas that may affect the amount of light that reaches Earth.

What three things determine which stars you see in the sky?

Your place on the earth, The brightness of the star, Its distance.

If two stars have the same apparent magnitude are they the same distance from Earth?

No. Brighter distant stars can have the same apparent magnitude as fainter stars that are closer.(Absolute magnitude does not refer to actual brightness, but rather to what the brightness of a star would likely be at an arbitrary distance of 10 parsecs, rather than its actual distance.)

What affects the brightness of stars?

The brightness of a star is primarily determined by its size, temperature, and distance from Earth. Larger, hotter stars tend to appear brighter, while stars that are closer to us also appear brighter due to their proximity. Other factors such as the star's age and its stage in the stellar lifecycle can also influence its brightness.

What is a stars apparent magnitude?

An apparent magnitude is a measure of how bright a star appears from Earth. The lower the apparent magnitude, the brighter the star appears in the night sky. Negative values indicate very bright stars, while positive values indicate fainter stars.

How can varble stars be used to determine the distance to globular clusters?

The idea is that CERTAIN TYPES of stars, including certain variable stars (such as Cepheids) have a known brightness; so if you observe their apparent brightness, you can calculate their distance.

How can you clasiffy the stars?

by temperature, size, brightness, distance and color

What two factor affect a stars apparent brightness?

Two factors that affect a star's apparent brightness are: 1.) The distance between the Earth and the star 2.) The absolute magnitude (the actual brightness) of the star Hope that helps :P