The second color in a rainbow is typically yellow. Rainbows are formed when sunlight is refracted, or bent, by water droplets in the atmosphere, creating a spectrum of colors.
The opposite of a rainbow could be considered to be a black and white spectrum or a complete absence of light and color.
The colors of the rainbow in order are...RedOrangeYellowGreenBluePurple
Color Me a Rainbow was created in 1987.
A rainbow is a spectrum.
when you're looking at the rainbow, the sun will be behind you.
Blue comes after green in the rainbow. Then, goes indigo.
Blue comes after green in the rainbow. Then, goes indigo.
After it rains, and the sun comes out. Iris' symbol is a rainbow so after the rain comes a rainbow.
roygbivso green
Nothing. FYI pink isn't in the rainbow.
Orange.Remember this:RichardOfYorkGaveBattleInVainStands forRedOrangeYellowGreenBlueIndigoViolet
The food comes from many different rainbows, for when it's different bright colors, or the rainbow colors!!!
After you save the radio tower in goldenrod city a man comes in and gives you the rainbow wing as a reward.