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4mo ago

After a glacier retreats, it leaves behind various landforms such as moraines, eskers, and kettle lakes. These landforms are a result of the glacier's movement and deposition of rocks, sediment, and meltwater. Over time, the landscape may also undergo further erosion and reshaping by other geological processes.

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Q: What comes after a glacier leaves?
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How does a glacier create a canyon?

It melts and leaves a canyon

How a glacial valley forms?

a glacier valley forms from the pieces of ice that the glacier leaves behind when it broken down thats all i realy know

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What is formed by till deposited at the edges of a glacier?

The retreating glacier leaves behind linear mounds of till (till being unsorted debris) and is known as moraine.

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Because the food comes from the kathlene claire,,,,,

What causes the moraine?

Moraines are formed by the deposition of glacial debris as a glacier moves and erodes the land. As the glacier melts, it leaves behind ridges and mounds of unsorted sediment. The size and shape of a moraine can vary depending on the glacier's movement and the type of sediment deposited.

How can a glacier deposit both unsorted and sorted materials?

it all comes together.

What is the difference between a terminal moraine and a recessional moraine?

The terminal moraine is the sediment deposition furthest from the source of the glacier. It is also known as an end moraine, however depending on recession or advancement of the glacier, the end moraine is not always the terminal moraine. Lateral moraines are lines of sediment deposited along the outer walls or boundaries of a glacier and can run from the top of the glacier down to its end.

What are glacial moraines are best described as?

Glacial moraines are accumulations of rock, soil, and debris carried and deposited by a glacier. They form as the glacier flows, picking up material from the land surface and carrying it along. Once the glacier retreats, it leaves behind these deposits, creating distinctive ridges and mounds.

What is another form of erosion and sedimentation related to glacier formation?

Another form of erosion and sedimentation related to glacier formation is called glacial plucking. This process occurs when a glacier freezes onto rocks, lifts them as it moves, and then carries them along. As the glacier moves, it leaves behind polished and striated surfaces on the landscape due to the abrasion caused by the rocks being dragged along.

What are some names of glaciers in Washington?

* Fryingpan Glacier * Nisqually Glacier * Paradise Glacier * Pyramid Glacier * Puyallup Glacier * South Tahoma Glacier * Tahoma Glacier * Success Glacier * Sarvent Glacier

What happens when soil and rocks are added to the sides and bottom of a glacier after water freezes and thaws in the surrounding rock?

When soil and rocks are added to the sides and bottom of a glacier, they become incorporated into the glacier as it moves. This process, known as glacial abrasion, allows the glacier to effectively erode the underlying bedrock as it advances. The frozen water in the glacier acts as a powerful agent, facilitating the grinding and smoothing of the rocks and soil it comes into contact with.