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Metals and non-metals combine. They form ionic bonds.

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Q: What columns on the periodic table would combine well in order for both to be more stable?
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Why do atoms want to combine?

Atoms combine in order to become stable, which for most atoms means having 8 valence electrons.

What shows the placement of elements with similar electrons configurations in columns in order of their increasing energy levels?

the periodic table

How is the periodic table is organized into columns called?

The elements arranged according to their atomic number in the table are called periodic table.


The elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number in the Periodic Table. The rows are called periods and the columns are called groups.

What is the order in the modern periodic table?

Rows by Engery Rings supposedly, Columns by oxidation number, and the rest by atomic number.

How do you explain how the periodic table set up?

The periodic table contains 18 columns known as groups and 7 rows known as periods. The properties of the elements are found to be periodic when arranged in order of increasing atomic number.

How did Mendeleev discover the patter that led to the periodic table?

Mendeleev arranged elements in order of atomic mass. He arranged elements in rows and columns that later helped in discovering modern periodic table.

What was Dmitri medeleevs contribution to the periodic tale?

Mendeleev arranged the elements in order of increasing atomic mass.He placed the elements in rows and columns.

What are columns called in a periodic table and what do they have in common?

colums are called "families" or "groups". They are all placed in order according to the atomic number, and valend electrons

What Demetri Mendeleev doe for the periodic table?

Dmitri Mendeleev arranged elements in order of increasing atomic masses. He placed elements in rows and columns.

When atoms combine what do they gain or lose?

When atoms combine to form molecules, they can gain, lose, or share electrons in order to achieve a stable electron configuration. This process allows atoms to fill their outermost electron shell and attain a more stable, lower energy state.

Is the order of elements in the periodic table based on the number of protons in the nucleus?

Yes, the elements in the periodic table are arranged in order of increasing atomic number, which is determined by the number of protons in the nucleus. This organization allows for grouping elements with similar properties in columns and periods.