There are no uses for Bohrium. It is a synthetic element with a half-life of 61 seconds.
Bohrium has 107 protons in its nucleus.
Bohrium hasn't practical uses.
Bohrium have 107 protons and electrons.
It is supposed that bohrium is a solid metal at room temperature.
Bohrium has not practical applications.
Bohrium has not practical applications.
Bohrium has not practical applications.
There are no uses for Bohrium. It is a synthetic element with a half-life of 61 seconds.
Bohrium has 107 protons in its nucleus.
Bohrium has not practical applications.
Bohrium hasn't practical uses.
Bohrium is a metal not a solution having a pH.
Bohrium is an artificial element.
Bohrium has not practical applications.
Bohrium is an artificial chemical element.
The chemical symbol of bohrium is Bh.