The color brown for high mountains
Green is commonly used to represent flat land on a map. This color choice helps differentiate flat areas from other types of terrain, such as water bodies or mountains.
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On maps, these colors often show land, vegetation, cities, mountains, and many other features.
Hey. White represents an area with little or no vegetation.
Mountains are usually brown on a map.
Generally brown
brown colr reprents mountains
The color brown for high mountains
brownish and sort of yellowish mostly brown
A physical map shows mountains, hills, and plains through shading or contour lines. This type of map uses color gradients or elevation contour lines to depict the topography of an area.
its usually green but if its a snow mountain it White at the top.
A grey,stormy type eg... blue or grey
There are simply to many White Mountains to select the proper map.
Green is commonly used to represent flat land on a map. This color choice helps differentiate flat areas from other types of terrain, such as water bodies or mountains.
Green (land), brown (land/mountains), White (snow), and depending what map - multi-colours such as pink and purple
Dark brown is more likely to be used to show mountains on a map. Blue is typically used to represent bodies of water such as rivers, lakes, and oceans.