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well, the rainbow obviously has all the colors, but the answer is brown.

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1mo ago

White light contains all the colors of the rainbow. When white light passes through a prism, it is separated into its component colors, creating a rainbow effect.

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Q: What color actually contains all the colors of the rainbow?
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Was there ever other colors of the rainbow?

Most likely not, since the rainbow contains everypossible color that the human eye can detect.

Is blue a color of the rainbow?

Yes, blue is a color of the rainbow. The traditional rainbow contains the colors red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.

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"colors""The colors of a rainbow"

What are the of the colors of the rainbow?

There is no color your eye can see that is not in the rainbow.

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There is no color your eye can see that is not in the rainbow.

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The colors of the rainbow in order are...RedOrangeYellowGreenBluePurple

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Why isn't there white color in rainbow?

White light is actually a combination of all the colors of the rainbow. When white light passes through a prism, it separates into the different colors of the spectrum due to their different wavelengths. The colors we see in a rainbow are a result of this separation of white light.

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White is actually a color because it is a mixture of all the colors of the rainbow.

What part of speech is color?

it depends... colors as in the colors in the rainbow is a noun but colors as in the girl iis coloring is a verb

Why does rainbow has seven colors?

The rainbow has seven colors because it is the result of sunlight being refracted, or bent, by water droplets in the air. The water droplets act as prisms, separating the sunlight into its component colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. Each color has a different wavelength and is visible at a different angle, creating the rainbow's distinct band of colors.

There are many colors in the rainbow which one is not?

First of all we should know this :- Any color can be produced by the combination of RGB (Red, green and Blue). Rainbow consists of seven colors including RGB along with the four other colors which are the combination of RGB. Based on this concept we can say there is no color which is not in the Rainbow. All colors are included in the rainbow.