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Q: What climate zones circle the northern and southern portions of the world?
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Is the Arctic Circle in the northern or southern hemisphere?

Yes. & therefore the Antarctic Ocean is in the Southern Hemisphere.

Where can you find a polar bear in Canada?

They live n the Arctic circle. The northern portions of Canada is where you will find them.

What type of climate is found in northern Scandinavia near the Arctic Circle?


Climate zone between the tropic of Capricorn and the antarctic circle?

The Southern Temperate Zone

What climate region does farms produce grain?

Most grain is produced in farms that are in the earth's temperate zones. Earth has two temperate zones. The Northern temperate zone stratches from the Arctic Circle to the Tropic of Cancer. The Southern temperate zone ranges from the Tropic of Capricorn to the Antarctic Circle.

Where are the polar lands?

Polar lands are located at the northern and southern points of the earth. There are 2 regions of Earth; The Artic Circle and the Antarctic Circle.

What type of climate does the area between the Arctic Circle and the Tropic of Cancer have?

Temperate. The Northern Temperate Zone lies within this region where the sun never shines directly overhead nor stays above the horizon for more than 24 hours. Summers are generally hot and winters are generally cold in temperate zones (Northern or Southern).

Is Antarctica in the north or south hemisphere?

Antarctica is located in the Southern Hemisphere of the Earth. It is the southernmost continent, surrounded by the Southern Ocean.

How long is the day in winter and summer?

The length of a day in winter and summer varies depending on the location and how close it is to the poles. In general, winter days are shorter and summer days are longer. At the North and South Poles, there are periods of total darkness in winter and 24 hours of daylight in summer.

An imaginary line making a circle round the earth?

The equator divides the northern hemisphere from the southern hemisphere.

Where is the Antarctic circle located at?

The Arctic is around the northern hemisphere The Antarctic is around the southern hemisphere (Antarctica)

Is Boston close the the Antarctic Circle?

No. Boston, Mass in the USA is closer to the Arctic Circle than to the Antarctic Circle. Boston and the Arctic are both in the Northern Hemisphere: Antarctica is in the Southern Hemisphere.