Cape Town
The coordinates 34S and 18E correspond to Cape Town, South Africa.
The city located at 33°S latitude and 18°E longitude is Cape Town, South Africa.
Al Hayz, Egypt is located about 30 miles due east of 28.0000 south by 28.0000 east. There is no city at this location.
The city most likely to be at 34°S latitude and 56°W longitude is Cordoba, Argentina.
Cape Town
The coordinates 34S and 18E correspond to Cape Town, South Africa.
A little off Cape Town
There's no city there. That point is in the Atlantic Ocean, about 25 miles west-southwest of the center of Capetown, SA.
The city located at 34S and 152E coordinates is Sydney in Australia.
The city located at 60N 18E is Helsinki, the capital of Finland.
The city located at 34 degrees south latitude and 18 degrees east longitude is Cape Town, South Africa. It is a major port city and popular tourist destination known for its stunning natural landscapes and diverse culture.
Johannesburg in South Africa.
34s , 19e
Cape Town, South Africa is the major city located at the coordinates 33S 18E.
The coordinates 34S 19E correspond to Cape Town, South Africa.
The coordinates 59N 18E correspond to the city of Stockholm, Sweden.