The boundaries of longitude are from 180 degrees east to 180 degrees west, so a city located at 6 degrees east longitude would be somewhere in Europe, while a city located at 6 degrees west longitude would be in the Americas.
No part of the United States is located at 47 degrees east longitude.
The city located at 6 degrees south latitude and 107 degrees east longitude is Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia.
The city at 19 degrees south latitude and 146 degrees east longitude is Nadi, located in Fiji.
The city located at 56 degrees north latitude and 12 degrees east longitude is Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark.
Canberra, the capital city of Australia, is located at approximately 35 degrees south latitude and 150 degrees east longitude.
The city located at 9 degrees north latitude and 39 degrees east longitude is Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia.
No part of the United States is located at 47 degrees east longitude.
Jerusalem is located approximately 31 degrees north latitude and 35 degrees east longitude.
The city located at 6 degrees south latitude and 107 degrees east longitude is Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia.
The city at 19 degrees south latitude and 146 degrees east longitude is Nadi, located in Fiji.
The city located at 56 degrees north latitude and 12 degrees east longitude is Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark.
There is no city located at that coordinate. It is the Laptev Sea.
Vienna, the capital city of Austria, is located at 48 degrees north latitude and 16 degrees east longitude.
Canberra, the capital city of Australia, is located at approximately 35 degrees south latitude and 150 degrees east longitude.