The city found at 37Β°N latitude and 123Β°W longitude is Monterey, California in the United States.
The latitude of Naga City in the Philippines is approximately 13.6218Β° N, and the longitude is around 123.1945Β° E.
Cebu City, Philippines has a latitude of approximately 10.3157Β° N and a longitude of about 123.8854Β° E.
Latitude: 49°25′N Longitude: 123°1′W
Latitude: 48° 49' 40" Longitude: -123° 27' 23" at Gamnges Copast Guard9'Latitude: 48° 49' 40" Longitude: -123° 27' 23" 40" Longitude: -123° 27' 23"Latitude: 48° 49' 40" Longitude: -123° 27' 23"
The latitude of Vancouver, Canada is 49.2827Β° N, and the longitude is 123.1207Β° W.
The latitude of Naga City in the Philippines is approximately 13.6218Β° N, and the longitude is around 123.1945Β° E.
Cebu City, Philippines has a latitude of approximately 10.3157Β° N and a longitude of about 123.8854Β° E.
Cebu City is located in the Philippines. The latitude and longitude is 10-18'-40" N and 123-53'-30" E and uses the Asia/Manila time zone.
Latitude: 49°25′N Longitude: 123°1′W
Latitude: 48° 49' 40" Longitude: -123° 27' 23" at Gamnges Copast Guard9'Latitude: 48° 49' 40" Longitude: -123° 27' 23" 40" Longitude: -123° 27' 23"Latitude: 48° 49' 40" Longitude: -123° 27' 23"
There is no city located at that coordinate. It is the Laptev Sea.
The latitude of Vancouver, Canada is 49.2827Β° N, and the longitude is 123.1207Β° W.
Corvallis is Latitude: 44°34′14.81″N and Longitude: 123°16′33.59″W.
Latitude: 48°25′43″N Longitude: 123°21′56″W
The country located at 31 degrees North latitude and 123 degrees East longitude is China.
There's no city there. That point is well out there in the Mindanao Sea, off the Southern philippines.
Longitude: E 123° 53' 7.5732"