Maricopa, Arizona, south of Phoenix.
The city with the latitude 33 N and longitude 117 W is Los Angeles, California in the United States.
The city at 33 Latitude N and 117 Longitude W is San Diego, California.
The city located at 33°S latitude and 18°E longitude is Cape Town, South Africa.
Creighton, South Africa
Tucson, Arizona
The state located at 33 North latitude and 112 West longitude is Arizona.
Maricopa, Arizona, south of Phoenix.
The city with the latitude 33 N and longitude 117 W is Los Angeles, California in the United States.
Latitude: 33°26′54″N Longitude: 112°04′26″W
The city at 33 Latitude N and 117 Longitude W is San Diego, California.
The city located at 33°S latitude and 18°E longitude is Cape Town, South Africa.
Madrid Spain
Creighton, South Africa
Islamabad, the capital city of Pakistan, is located at approximately 33.6844° N latitude and 73.0479° E longitude.
That point is in east-central Iraq, about 33 miles southwest of the center of Baghdad.
The approximate latitude and longitude of the Arizona State Capitol ... not Phoenix, the capital city, but the center of the cute little dome on the Capitol Building ... is 33.44813° north latitude 112.98702° west longitude.