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Q: What city did not get hit by hurricane Katrina?
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Which city did Hurricane Katrina hit?

New orleans

Did Hurricane Katrina occur in Asia?

No. Hurricane Katrina hit the United States.

Which city in Louisiana was hit by hurricane Katrina?

New Orleans in Louisiana was hit by hurricane Katrina in 2005, causing widespread devastation and loss of life.

What is going on now about Hurricane Katrina?

Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans the worst and killed more than 1800 people. Parts of the city have still not been rebuilt.

What was the wind seed of hurricane Katrina when it hit Australia?

Hurricane Katrina did not hit Australia; it made landfall in the United States in 2005. Hurricane Katrina was a Category 3 storm when it made landfall in Louisiana.

Did Hurricane Katrina hit Nebraska?


Did hurricane Katrina hit a sea?

no hurricane Katrina did not hit a sea but got more violent because of passing by the gulf of Mexico

What was the deadliest hurricane to hit Louisiana?

Hurricane Katrina in 2005 was the deadliest hurricane to hit Louisiana, causing catastrophic damage and the loss of over 1,800 lives in the state.

Did North Dakota got hit by Hurricane Katrina?

No, North Dakota was not hit by Hurricane Katrina. Hurricane Katrina made landfall in Louisiana in August 2005. North Dakota is located in the northern Midwest region of the United States, far from the Gulf Coast where Hurricane Katrina struck.

What year did both Hurricane Andrew and hurricane Katrina come to the United States?

Hurricane Andrew hit the United States in 1992, while Hurricane Katrina struck in 2005.

How much money did it take to rebuild the city after getting hit by hurricane Katrina?

The estimated cost to rebuild the city of New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina was around $135 billion. This included funding for infrastructure repairs, housing assistance, environmental restoration, and other recovery efforts.

What city was almost destroyed by Hurricane Katrina?

Hurricane Katrina inflicted massive damage on New Orleans.