Nairobi, Kenya is located at the coordinates 1S 37E.
The city located at 32 N latitude and 36 E longitude is Jerusalem, the capital city of Israel.
Mexico City qualifies as further north:Mexico City coordinates: (19.433333, -99.133333)Bangkok coordinates: (13.75, 100.466667)
The city at coordinates 14 latitude and 34 longitude is Asmara, the capital city of Eritrea in East Africa.
The coordinates 21N 106E correspond to the city of Ho Chi Minh City, located in Vietnam.
The coordinates 1S 36E correspond to the city of Nairobi, the capital of Kenya.
Nairobi, Kenya is located at the coordinates 1S 37E.
The city located at 32 N latitude and 36 E longitude is Jerusalem, the capital city of Israel.
Nigella Lawson's breasts are of the size 36E.
The city with coordinates 43N and 79W is Toronto, Canada.
She is a 36E
The city with coordinates 53N and 113W is Edmonton, the capital city of the Canadian province of Alberta.
The coordinates 60N and 135W point to the city of Fairbanks in Alaska, USA.
The city with coordinates 23N and 88E is Kolkata, India.
Mexico City qualifies as further north:Mexico City coordinates: (19.433333, -99.133333)Bangkok coordinates: (13.75, 100.466667)
Madison, Wisconsin has the coordinates 43N and 88W.