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Hurricanes form over oceans, not cities, and are far too large to be "in" a city. Virtually any city along a tropical coastline, especially on the east coast of a continent, can be hit by a hurricane.

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Hurricanes typically form over warm ocean waters in tropical regions near the equator. Cities near hurricane formation regions include those along the Gulf Coast of the United States, the Caribbean islands, and parts of Southeast Asia.

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Q: What cities do hurricanes form in?
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Where do airizona hurricanes form?

Arizona does not get hurricanes.

How do hurricanes form on islands?

Hurricanes form over the open ocean not on islands.

What seasons do hurricanes form?

June-November, depending on what area the hurricanes form in

Do hurricanes form in the ocean?

Yes. Hurricanes form over warm ocean water.

When and where hurricanes form?

Hurricanes form over the ocean and when the water and air is warm or hot.

Where and when do hurricanes form?

Hurricanes form over the ocean and when the water and air is warm or hot.

Why are hurricanes not formed near Canada?

Hurricanes need warm ocean water to form. The waters near Canada are to cold for hurricanes to form.

Do hurricanes form in the Atlantic?

Hi Most hurricanes form in the Atlantic but they can form in the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean as well. Typhoons form in the Pacific Ocean. A good site to learn about hurricanes is at:

How many Hurricanes were hit by Cities?

This question makes no sense.

Do all hurricanes form in hurricane season?

No, hurricanes can form outside of the official hurricane season which is from June to November. However, the majority of hurricanes do occur during this time period in the Atlantic Basin.

What cities do not have hurricanes or tornadoes?

Cities that are inland are safe from hurricanes, but just about no place habitable to humans is immune to tornadoes. However in the U.S. west of the Rockies strong tornadoes are rare. Cities such as Phoenix and Los Angeles have seen tornadoes in the general vicinity, but they are almost invariably weak.