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Q: What chemicals will kill you if eat them?
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I wouldn't let them. Flowers can have pesticides or harmfull chemicals on them to kill bugs.

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no infact they are quite pickey. not only will they not eat most things anything high in salt or chemicals or sugar or anything unatural will kill them

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No, it's got chemicals in it that will make them ill or even kill them. But they may not realise this and eat the grass anyway so you have to be careful

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No, Dogs should not eat horse meat of any kind due to the chemicals used to treat the horses for worms and other things such as illnesses. The chemicals do not go away when the horse dies and can kill other animals such as dogs.

What can chemicals do to you?

Kill you or damage your body.

When a chemical can't be killed?

You cannot kill chemicals. Chemicals are not a living thing.

How weed killer can kill you?

It can kill you because it has chemicals in it that are poisonious to humans

What kills freshwater snails?

There are many chemicals that will kill freshwater snails but they will also kill fish and some will kill plants too. The best way I have found to remove snails is to have a few Clown loaches (Botia macracantha) or a couple of freshwater Puffer fish to kill and eat them.

Shouldn't you eat or drink in laboratory?

So you don't get chemicals in your food and its bad to eat or smell chemicals

What can harmful chemicals do to you?

Kill you or damage your body.

What chemicals in pop can kill you?

darren shaper