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Q: What chemical rock former by crystallization of excess dissolved minerals?
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What is a saturated solution that hasn't crystallized yet?

A saturated solution that has not yet crystallized is a solution in which the maximum amount of solute has been dissolved in the solvent at a specific temperature. It is in a state of dynamic equilibrium where the rate of dissolution is equal to the rate of crystallization. Any disturbance can trigger the crystallization of excess solute in the solution.

What is a chemical rock formed by crystilization of excess dissolved materials?

This is known as an evaporite, examples include Halite, Gypsum and certain types of Limestone.

What do you call it when too much solvent is in to a solution and it becomes unstable?

When there is an excess of solvent in a solution, causing it to become unstable and unable to maintain the solute in a dissolved state, it is referred to as supersaturation. This can lead to precipitation or crystallization of the solute from the solution.

When element's and compounds that are dissolved in water leave a solution and what are the results?

When elements and compounds dissolved in water leave a solution, it is called precipitation. Precipitation occurs when the solubility limit of the substance in the solution is exceeded, causing the excess to form a solid that settles out. This process can be used to purify substances or separate components in a mixture.

If a substance dissociates and forms an excess of h positive ions when dissolved in watr it is referred to as?

If a substance dissociates and forms an excess of H+ ions when dissolved in water, it is referred to as an acid. Acids are substances that donate protons when dissolved in water, leading to an increase in H+ ions concentration in the solution.

Related questions

Chemical rock formed by crystallization of excess dissolved minerals?

The chemical rock primarily formed through precipitation from mineral-rich water that has partially evaporated, leaving behind excess dissolved minerals that can crystallize. Examples include limestone formed from the precipitation of calcite, and rock salt formed from the crystallization of halite.

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What is a saturated solution that hasn't crystallized yet?

A saturated solution that has not yet crystallized is a solution in which the maximum amount of solute has been dissolved in the solvent at a specific temperature. It is in a state of dynamic equilibrium where the rate of dissolution is equal to the rate of crystallization. Any disturbance can trigger the crystallization of excess solute in the solution.

What is a chemical rock formed by crystilization of excess dissolved materials?

This is known as an evaporite, examples include Halite, Gypsum and certain types of Limestone.

What do you call it when too much solvent is in to a solution and it becomes unstable?

When there is an excess of solvent in a solution, causing it to become unstable and unable to maintain the solute in a dissolved state, it is referred to as supersaturation. This can lead to precipitation or crystallization of the solute from the solution.

How do excess minerals leave the body?

minerals leave the body from sweat

What waste removal is the urinary system is responsible for?

Urine, which is composed of dissolved wastes and excess water or chemical substances from the body and is produced when blood filters through the kidneys.

What is the lymphatic system made to do?

The lymphatic system is responsible for fluid balance in the body, immune defense, and absorption of fats from the digestive system. It helps to collect and filter excess fluid and return it to the bloodstream, as well as produce and distribute white blood cells to fight infections.

What are the monomers in minerals?

The monomers in minerals are atoms or ions. These monomers can bond together through chemical reactions to form crystal structures, which are the building blocks of minerals. Examples of monomers in minerals include silicon (Si) and oxygen (O) in the case of silicate minerals.

Why is there trash in your urine?

Urine is one of the products of the body's excretory system. It is produced when blood filters through the kidneys. It is composed of dissolved wastes and excess water or chemical substances from the body.

Which type of chemical lead to lack of dissolved oxygen?

Nutrient pollution, specifically excess nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus, can lead to an overgrowth of algae. When the algae die and decompose, bacteria use up the dissolved oxygen in the water, causing hypoxia or oxygen depletion.

What makes crystallization happen?

Crystallization occurs when a solution becomes supersaturated, meaning it holds more dissolved solute than it can normally accommodate. As the solution cools or evaporates, solute particles become more closely packed together and begin to form a repeating, ordered pattern known as a crystal lattice. This process continues until all excess solute is precipitated out of the solution, resulting in the formation of solid crystals.