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Q: What characteristics of parasitism suggest that is not form of predation?
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Is predation and parasitism considered as a form of mutualism?

No, predation and parasitism are not considered forms of mutualism. In predation, one organism benefits (predator) at the expense of another (prey), while in parasitism, one organism benefits (parasite) at the expense of another (host). Mutualism, on the other hand, is a type of symbiotic relationship in which both organisms involved benefit from the interaction.

Are leeches a form of parasitism?

Yes, leeches are a type of parasite because they feed on the blood of other organisms without providing any benefit in return. They attach to their hosts and consume blood for sustenance.

How would you use parasitism in a sentence?

E.g. "This form of parasitism involves latching onto the host, and drawing/ingesting its blood"

How can i use Parasitism in a sentence?

Parasitism is a symbiotic relationship in which one organism benefits and the other is generally harmed. Some people think that government welfare or corporate grants and tax breaks are a form of parasitism.

What form of interaction is taking place when a shark devours a seal?

Predation. The shark is hunting and consuming the seal for sustenance.

One species benefits from the relationship at the expense of the other species?

That would be a form of parasitism.

How do monkeys adapte?

Monkeys, just like any other life form, adapt their characteristics according to the stresses placed on their survival. On a broad scope these are * food procurement * defense against predation * reproduction * ameanability ot the environment

Do monkeys adapt?

Monkeys, just like any other life form, adapt their characteristics according to the stresses placed on their survival. On a broad scope these are * food procurement * defense against predation * reproduction * ameanability ot the environment

How are mutualism and parasitism similar and different?

Predation and parasitism are similar because they both have one organism feeding on another. The difference is that in predation the organism kills the other ,while in parasitism, the organism feeds on it while letting it live. For example, a lion can't eat an antelope if it lets it live (predation), but a flea can't feed on a dog if the dog isn't alive (parasitism).

What is verb form of suggestion?

The verb form of "suggestion" is "suggest." For example, "I suggest that we go to the park."

What is the adjective form of suggest?

The adjective form of the verb suggest is suggested, used for terms such as 'suggested reading' or 'suggested alternatives'.There is also a related adjective, suggestive, which means tending to suggest or imply.