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A reverse fault is in a zone of compressional faulting, rocks in the hanging wall are pushed up relative to rocks in the footwall.

A normal fault is in a zone of tensional faulting, rocks in the hanging wall drop down relative to those in a footwall forming a normal fault.

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12y ago
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8y ago

A Reverse fault is happens when tectonic forces cause compression that PUSHES rocks together. Normal fault happens when tectonic forces cause tension that PULLS rocks apart.
Normal fault is when the hanging block moves down relative to foot block wall where as the reverse fault is formed when the hanging block wall moves up relative to the foot block walls a result of tension and compression force respectively

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12y ago

In a normal, the hanging wall slips down relative to the foot wall and the reverse fault, has the same structure as a normal fault, but the blocks move in the opposite direction. In a reverse fault, the hanging wall moves up relative to the footwall

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9y ago

The angle of a fault plane can be used to tell the difference between a normal fault and a reverse fault. Which side went up relative to the other side is also another way to know the difference.

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9y ago

A normal fault occurs when the Earth's crust is extended. A reverse fault occurs when the crust is shortened and is the opposite of a normal fault.

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15y ago

Their similarity is that both footwall and hanging wall slide down past each's just that either the hanging wall or the footwall will slide down.

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9y ago

A reverse fault one side moves up, while with a normal fault one side moves down.
its idk find it your self dont cheat

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11y ago

Normal faults happen at convergent plate boundaries. And reverse faults happen at divergent plate boundaries.

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A normal fault is the opposite of a reverse fault.

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Normal fault, i believe is true.

Are both normal and reverse faults caused by tension?

Normal faults are caused by tensional forces pulling rocks apart, leading to the hanging wall moving down relative to the footwall. Reverse faults are caused by compressional forces pushing rocks together, leading to the hanging wall moving up relative to the footwall.

Is the Hayward fault a normal fault or a reverse fault?

Neither. It is a strike-slip fault.

Is a thrust fault a normal fault?

No, a thrust fault is a type of reverse fault, where the hanging wall moves up and over the footwall. In contrast, a normal fault is a type of fault where the hanging wall moves down relative to the footwall.

Difference between normal fault and reverse fault?

The movement of the Hanging wall in the normal fault downward with the gravity whereas in the Reverse fault the hanging wall moved upward against the gravity

Which type of fault is the result of tension forces?

A normal fault.

What are 4 kinds of faults?

The normal fault, the thrust fault, the transcurrent fault , and the reverse fault.