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Q: What characteristics determines how organism are classified within the Kingdom Plantae?
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An organism classified in the Kingdom Plantae most likely exhibits what characteristics?

An organism classified in the Kingdom Plantae is typically multicellular, photosynthetic, has cell walls made of cellulose, and reproduces through spores or seeds.

What is the broadest Which organism can be classified?

According to Kingdom.

What determines the species an organism is classified as?

An organism's classification is determined by its physical characteristics, genetic makeup, and evolutionary history. Species are grouped based on similarities in morphology, behavior, and genetic traits to reflect their evolutionary relationships. Classification is carried out by taxonomists using established criteria to assign organisms to specific groups.

Which kingdom do virus belong to and characteristics of that kingdom?

Since they are not living, they are not classified and placed in a kingdom.

What characteristics does an organism that belong to the kingdom plantae have?

The characteristics of an organism belonging to the kingdom plantae would be that it is multicellular and contains chloroplasts. It also uses photosynthesis.

What is a single-celled organism belonging to kingdom fungi?

Yeast is a single celled organism that is currently classified in the kingdom fungi.

What is the largest group into which organisms can be classifed?

A Kingdom is the largest group a organism can be classified in.

Why are viruses not classified into any five kingdom?

Viruses are not an organism at all. They are not alive.

Which 2 classification groups indicate an organism?

Organism classification groups are Kingdom and Phylum. The Kingdom represents a broad group of organisms with common characteristics, while the Phylum represents a more specific group within the Kingdom with shared characteristics.

Can an organism belong in more than one kingdom?

No, an organism can only belong to one kingdom in the classification system. Organisms are classified into kingdoms based on their most prominent characteristics and evolutionary relationships.

In what domain would you classify a newly discovered single-celled organism with many small chloroplasts?

This organism would likely be classified in the domain Eukaryota, specifically in the kingdom Protista or possibly Plantae, depending on its specific characteristics.

Is a sponge an organism?

No, a sponge is not considered an organism in the traditional sense because it lacks complex organ systems and does not exhibit characteristics of living organisms like movement or the ability to consume nutrients. Sponges are classified as multicellular filter feeders belonging to the animal kingdom.