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During the combustion of a candle, oxygen combines with the hydrogen and carbon, to produce the products of energy, carbon dioxide and water. The oxygen for the reaction comes from the atmosphere and the initial heat source comes from a match. The candle is a hydrocarbon so the hydrogen and carbon for the reaction comes from the wax and wick. The heat energy from the reaction is released when bonds between the carbon and oxygen and hydrogen and oxygen are formed. The reactants during the combustion of a candle are oxygen, carbon, and hydrogen and thermal energy. The products are thermal energy, carbon dioxide, and water.

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11y ago
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4w ago

When a candle burns, the wax melts and is drawn up the wick by capillary action. The heat from the flame vaporizes the liquid wax, which mixes with oxygen in the air to produce carbon dioxide and water vapor. The flame emits light and heat energy as a result of this chemical reaction.

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15y ago

Candles are made from paraffin or another similar wax. Waxes are just hydrocarbons (like like methane, propane, or octane) only with more carbon atoms in their chain. Waxes typically have chains in the 20-40 carbon range. Like all hydrocarbons, paraffin combusts to form CO2 and H2O. However, if you pay close attention to what the candle is doing, it is much more interesting than a simple combustion reaction. When you light a candle, the first thing that happens is that the wick burns---the braided cotton ignites and starts to burn, but once the heat from the wick is sufficient to start melting and then vaporizing the wax, it is the wax that starts to combust since it burns at a lower temperature than the wick. Capillary action continues to feed the wick with more melted wax that vaporizes and burns as it gets to where the flame is located. As the wax source gets farther and farther from the top of the wick, the capillary action is no longer able to beat gravity and so the wick eventually either carbonizes from lack of oxygen and breaks off or completely combusts. Sorry to make this so long, but I thought this was a better picture of it than "it makes fire", which was the response that I replaced.

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13y ago

when its burns out the wax will go and where will only be the wick lefted

and when the candle stoped and got a little bit left it will go dead hard

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12y ago

The hydrogen and the carbon dioxide mix. Candle uses oxygen and wax as fuel

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14y ago

the wax burns up and continuosly drips down the wax burns up and continuosly drips down

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11y ago

bro we dont no n dat ennit?? nahidul Islam

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13y ago

The candle melts; also burning, evaporation and thermal decomposition of some components of the candle.

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11y ago

it changes from a solid to a gas.

the colour changes.

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13y ago

the wax melts

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Q: What changes take place when a candle burns?
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How long does it take for a candle to melt?

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What evidence tells you that phyisical porperties take place in a candle as it burns?

When a candle burns the solid wax melts to liquid and then it gets oxidized. This change of solid in to liquid is a physical activities of changing the phase of a substance.

What type of energy changes take place when a candle burns?

When a candle burns, the chemical potential energy stored in the wax is converted into heat and light energy through the process of combustion. The heat energy generated causes the surrounding air to warm up, while the light energy is emitted as a visible flame.

What kinds of changes take place when a candle is lit and burnt?

When a candle is lit and burns, the wax melts and is vaporized by the flame, causing it to release energy in the form of heat and light. The wick of the candle also burns and is broken down into carbon dioxide and water vapor. The candle gradually diminishes in size as it burns away.

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Oxygen is necessary for combustion to take place. When a candle burns, it reacts with oxygen in the air to produce a flame. Increasing the oxygen supply will result in a hotter and more efficient burn, causing the candle to burn more quickly. Conversely, reducing the oxygen supply will cause the flame to burn more slowly or even extinguish.

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What kind of changes is a burning candle?

When a candle burns, the wax melts and is drawn up the wick through capillary action. The heat from the flame vaporizes the wax, which then reacts with oxygen in the air to produce heat, light, water vapor, and carbon dioxide. As the wax is consumed, the candle gets shorter and eventually goes out when there is no more wax left to fuel the flame.

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