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physical change

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Q: What change to a material does not change its composition?
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What describes any change in matter that does not affect the chemical composition of the material?

Physical change, as change in state.

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What evidences a physical change?

"A physical change occurs when some of the properties of a material change, but the substances in the material remain the same." "...any actions that change the size and shape of a material, but not its composition." if the shape/form is changed but not its makeup, then that change is physical

Is breaking glass chemical or physical?

Breaking glass is a physical change, as it does not change the chemical composition of the material.

Is cutting your fingernails physical or chemical change?

Cutting your fingernails is a physical change because the composition of the material (keratin) remains the same before and after cutting. A chemical change involves a change in the chemical composition of a substance.

What is congruent in phase transformation?

Congruent phase transformation occurs when a material undergoes a phase change without any change in composition. This means that the initial and final phases have the same chemical composition. An example is the transformation of ice into water at 0°C.

What is physical change matter?

A physical change is the change of size, form, or shape of a material,but not in its chemical composition. There are 5 types of physical change: Evaporation, Condensation, Melting, Freezing, and Sublimation.

Is decomposing a physical change?

No, decomposing is a chemical change because it involves the breaking down of molecules into simpler substances. This results in a change in the chemical composition of the original material.

What is a change to a material that does not change its composition?

A physical change is a change to a material that does not alter its chemical composition. This could involve changing its state (such as melting or freezing), size, shape, or form without changing the identity of the substance. Examples include cutting paper, boiling water, or bending a metal wire.

Is making wrapping for a present a chemical change?

No, making wrapping for a present is a physical change, not a chemical change. The wrapping material undergoes a change in shape and form but its chemical composition remains the same.

Is holes appear in a worn-out shoe sole a physical or chemical change?

The appearance of holes in a worn-out shoe sole is a physical change. This is because the change does not involve a change in the chemical composition of the material; it simply alters the physical appearance of the shoe sole.

What is material with granitic composition that erupts at Earth's surface?

Material with a granitic composition that erupts at the surface is called rhyolite.