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The Meristematic cell is capable of continued cell division in plants.

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Q: What cells are responsible for cell division and growth in plants?
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What is the name of the type of cells in higher plants which have the same function as stem cells?

The type of cells in higher plants that have a similar function to stem cells are called meristematic cells. These cells are found in the growing tips of roots and shoots, and are responsible for cell division and growth in plants.

Why do meristematic cells have large nuclei?

Meristematic cells are undifferentiated and actively dividing cells responsible for growth in plants. They have large nuclei to accommodate the high amount of genetic material needed for rapid cell division and differentiation. This allows for efficient coordination of cell activities and regulation of growth processes.

What process is responsible for new tissue growth?

The process responsible for new tissue growth is called "cell proliferation." It involves the replication and division of cells to create new cells, which then contribute to the growth and repair of tissues in the body.

What is the tissue in plants that contain stem cells?

The tissue in plants that contains stem cells is called meristematic tissue. This tissue is responsible for cell division and growth in plants, allowing for the formation of new tissues and organs. It is typically found at the tips of roots and shoots.

What process is busily occuring in meristem?

Cell division and growth are actively occurring in the meristem. It is responsible for generating new cells that differentiate into various types of plant tissues, enabling growth and development in plants.

Related questions

Cells that multiply and produce growth at various parts of a plant are what?

Meristematic cells are responsible for cell division and growth in plants. These cells are found in regions such as the tips of roots and shoots, where they continuously divide to produce new cells for plant growth and development.

What is the tissue in plants that contain stem cells?

The tissue in plants that contains stem cells is called meristematic tissue. This tissue is responsible for cell division and growth in plants, allowing for the formation of new tissues and organs. It is typically found at the tips of roots and shoots.

How is cell division responsible for growth?

Cell division allows an organism to produce more cells, which results in growth. During cell division, each parent cell divides into two daughter cells, which then continue to grow and divide. Over time, this process leads to an increase in the overall size and complexity of the organism.

What process is busily occuring in meristem?

Cell division and growth are actively occurring in the meristem. It is responsible for generating new cells that differentiate into various types of plant tissues, enabling growth and development in plants.

What is the function of the cambium?

The cambium is a layer of cells in plants that is responsible for lateral growth, producing new xylem and phloem cells. It plays a key role in secondary growth, increasing the width of stems and roots.

What creates cells and aids in plant growth?

Plant cells are produced through a process called cell division (mitosis), where existing cells divide to form new cells. An important factor that aids in plant growth is a group of hormones called cytokinins, which promote cell division and regulate various growth processes in plants. Additionally, nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are essential for cell growth and function in plants.

Does Cambium carry food down through plants?

No, cambium consists of actively dividing cells that are responsible for secondary growth in plants.

Is Simple cell division of both plants and animals is an identical process?

No, simple cell division in plants and animals is not identical. Plants rely on cell division in meristematic tissues for growth, while animals use cell division in tissues for growth and repair. Additionally, plants typically have a rigid cell wall that must be divided during cell division, unlike animal cells.

Do plants have stem cells?

Yes, plants do have stem cells called meristematic cells. These cells are found in areas of growth, such as the tips of roots and shoots, and are responsible for generating new tissues throughout the plant's life.

What is cambium ring?

the ring of activity dividing cells responsible for lateral growth in plants is called cambium ring.

What is the regular sequence of growth and division that cells undergo called?

cell cycle

What is cell division in animal skin tissue responsible for?

Cell division in animal skin tissue is responsible for growth, tissue repair, and regeneration. It helps to replace old or damaged skin cells, maintain the integrity of the skin barrier, and support overall skin function.