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When Robert Hooke examined a thin cutting of a cork he saw empty spaces enclosed by walls. He called these empty spaces cells.

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11y ago

Hahaha idont realy know it thats why im asking, do you know it?

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13y ago
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10y ago

Robert Hook was observing sections of cork resembling the structure of cells with those of honey bee hive cells.

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12y ago

Hook saw the individual cells of the cork

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Q: What cell was hooke observing when he looked at cork underneath his microscope?
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How did Robert Hooke learn about cells?

He was observing cork slices under the microscope.

Where did Hooke discover the cell?

Hooke found the cell when looking underneath a microscope at his home where he saw dead cells of a piece of cork. He named these cells because they looked like tiny rooms meaning cells.

Where did the scientists get the idea for the term cell?

While Robert Hooke was observing cells through the microscope, he thought the cells looked like prison cells, and that's where the idea came from.

When did Robert hooke first look through a microscope?

He first looked through a microscope in 1665

Who was the first man to use a microscope?

Robert Hooke. He looked at a cork.

What did Robert hooke examine under a crude microscope?

Robert Hooke examined a thin slice of cork under a crude microscope, observing tiny compartments he named "cells." This discovery laid the foundation for the study of cells and became the basis for cell theory in biology.

What contribution did Robert hooke made to cytology?

Robert Hooke made significant contributions to cytology by coining the term "cell" to describe the basic structural unit of living organisms. In 1665, he published "Micrographia," which included detailed drawings of plant cells, prompting further exploration into the microscopic world of cells. His work laid the foundation for the field of cytology, the study of cells.

Who was the first to observe live cells under a microscope?

robert hooke he looked at a cork and said that it looked like a cell

What type of cells did Robert Hooke first see under a microscope?

Robert Hooke first observed plant cells under a microscope. He looked at thin slices of cork from a tree and noted the cell walls that he likened to small rooms or compartments, coining the term "cell" to describe them.

Who looked at a piece of cork through a microscope and ccalled the pores cells in 1665?

Robert Hooke, an English scientist, is credited with looking at a piece of cork through a microscope in 1665 and describing the small compartments he saw as "cells." This observation is considered one of the earliest records of the study of cells in biology.

What did Robert Hooke observe in the discovery of cells?

Robert Hooke observed small compartments in a slice of cork under a microscope and coined the term "cell" to describe them. He noticed the box-like structures and likened them to the small rooms or cells in a monastery, hence the term "cell". This discovery marked the beginning of the study of cells as the basic unit of life in biology.

What did Robert hooke look at in his microscope?

nobody knows i looked for years i loked for mevdince but coldn't fuine