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Q: What causes wood to turn blue?
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Blue food coloring. .

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The exhaust is stainless steel. Heat causes stainless steel to turn blue.

How do you turn paper into wood?

you can turn wood into paper, but you can't turn paper into wood.

What causes black dyed hair to turn green?

Bleaching you hair because black dye has alot of blue in it. Yellow and blue makes green.

Does cutting trees with a chain saw cause a chemical change in the wood. why or why not?

Yes and no. The tree (the wood fiber) undergoes a mechanical change from the chainsaw blades. The friction from the blades causes heat, which in turn causes a chemical change- the wood begins to burn. This bonds the cellulose with oxygen and that is why often there is smoke produced.

What is bluewood?

Blue wood is regular wood but with a factory infusion that turns it blue

What causes nail to turn blue or black?

Your nail turns blue when the blood clot in it.

What is the causes of blue revolution?

what is the causes of blue revolution

What does a trees green wood turn into?

Green wood from a tree will eventually turn into dry wood as it dries out. The drying process involves the evaporation of moisture from the wood, which causes it to lose its green color and become ready for use in construction or as firewood.

When was Blue-spotted Wood Lizard created?

Blue-spotted Wood Lizard was created in 1881.

What color will blue litmus paper turn in presence of iron II sulfide?

Blue litmus paper would turn red in the presence of iron II sulfide, due to the acidic nature of iron II sulfide which causes a change in the pH of the litmus paper.