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Any liquid tend to be evaporated; temperature and pressure have an important role.

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An important role have temperature and pressure.

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Q: What causes water on Earth's surface to evaporate?
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What causes the earths water to evaporate?

Water on Earth evaporates due to the energy from the sun. When the sun's radiation reaches Earth's surface, it heats up water bodies, causing the water molecules to gain enough energy to break free of the liquid state and turn into water vapor.

Solar energy causes water on earths surface to change to gas and rise intothe atmosphere during the proses of?

Solar energy causes water on Earth's surface to evaporate and form water vapor, which then rises into the atmosphere. This process is known as evaporation and is a key part of the water cycle, where water is continuously circulated between the Earth's surface and the atmosphere.

What happens to water in order for precipitation to occur?

first it has to evaporate off the earths surface and go to the clouds.

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What causes water to evaporate during the water cycle?

The principal cause is the kinetic energy of water molecules situated at the surface.

What energy source helps evaporate water from the earths surface in the water cycle?

The sun

What causes sea water to evaporate?

The heat from the sun causes sea water to evaporate

What happens to water once it moves from from Earths surface to the atmosphere?

water condenses and when there is enough water vapor is condensed it rains so it may transpire or evaporate once more

How does the sun affect the weather on earth?

The sun affects the weather on earth because the suns heat makes water evaporate from earths surface.

What causes water to evaporate and why is evaporation important in the water cycle?

Increasing the kinetic energy of water molecules located at the water surface favors evaporation.

Can water molecules evaporate at the surface or below the surface?

Water molecules can evaporate from the surface of water, where they gain enough energy to overcome surface tension and escape into the air. Below the surface, water molecules can also evaporate through a process known as sublimation, where molecules transition directly from a solid to a gas, although this is less common.

What Continuous movement of water from Earths surface to the and back to earths surface?

it is water cycle