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Some is caused by magma following heat vectors within the body of the planet, and some is caused by tidal forces working on the earth from the outside.

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2w ago

Stress in the Earth's crust is caused by tectonic forces like plate movements, which create pressure along faults and boundaries where plates meet. This stress can build up over time and be released in the form of earthquakes when the rocks along these fault lines break.

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Q: What causes the stress in the Earth's crust?
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What causes stress earths crust?

The movement in earths plates create powerful forces that pull or squeeze the rock in the crust.

What type of stress causes the earths crust to become thinner?


How does stress change earths crust?

It causes it to deform - this deformation is called "strain".

Why is the stress the earths crust?

The earth's crust is not stress

What causes the earths crust to rise and fall?

The sudden vibration in the plates inside the crust causes the earths crust to rise & fall.

What process causes stress in Earths crust?

Plate tectonics, the movement of the large pieces of the earth's crust, give rise to great stress along the boundaries of the plates. Wikipedia has a post on plate tectonics, and a link is provided.

Three types of stress that occer in earths crust?

Compression Stress Tension Stress Shearing Stress

How does stress in the crust change earths crust?

it means earthquakes will happen more often

What forces squeezes or pull the rock in earths crust?

The primary forces that act on rocks in Earth's crust are compression and tension. Compression occurs when rocks are squeezed together, often leading to folding and faulting. Tension is when rocks are pulled apart, creating fractures and rifts. These forces are generated by tectonic plate movements and can result in various geological features.

What type of stress causes an earthquake?

Tectonic stress causes most earthquakes. This stress is generated as tectonic plates move and collide with each other, building up pressure that is eventually released as an earthquake. Other types of stress, such as volcanic or anthropogenic activities, can also trigger earthquakes in specific circumstances.

What causes faults in Earths crust?

Faults in Earth's crust are caused by the movement of tectonic plates. When these plates collide, slide past each other, or pull apart, the stress that builds up along the plate boundaries can lead to the formation of faults. This can result in rocks breaking and sliding along the fault plane.

How do motions affect Earth's crust?

Plate motions produce stress in Earths crust that leads to faults, mountain building, and earthquakes.