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Yes, extra or missing chromosomes result in abnormal phenotypes. SomeÊcommon examples of this areÊDown's Syndrome and certain kinds of intersex.

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4mo ago

Extra chromosomes can be caused by errors in cell division, such as nondisjunction, which leads to the formation of trisomies. Missing chromosomes can result from errors in cell division or deletions of chromosome segments. Both scenarios can lead to genetic disorders like Down syndrome or Turner syndrome.

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15y ago

The reproductive system of either parents is damaged, diseased (including genetic disease), or just "makes a mistake".

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7y ago

An error in cell division.

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Q: What causes of extra or missing chromosomes?
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When a child is born with extra or missing chromosomes?

Mental Retardation.

What is the diagnostic tool that reveals missing or extra chromosomes and some structural changes in an individual's chromosomes?

A karyotype analysis is the diagnostic tool that reveals missing or extra chromosomes, as well as some structural changes in an individual's chromosomes. This test involves arranging and visualizing the chromosomes from a cell sample to identify abnormalities.

What mutation causes either the inclusion of an extra chromosomes in offspring or the deletion of an entire chromosomes?


What chromosomes do you get an extra copy for in humans that results in Down syndrome?

Down Syndrome is caused by a triplication of the 21st chromosome.

What are three disorders caused by missing or extra chromosomes?

1) down's syndrome2) turner syndrome3) jacob's syndrome

What happens if a human has too many or too few chromosomes?

It depends on which chromosomes were present as to what the abnormality would be, if any. If they were missing one or had one extra there would be developmental abnormalities.

What causes a baby to come out deformed?

Mutations in their chromosomal DNA. Each parent gives chromosomes to the baby, and when they meet sometimes there are doubles of chromosomes, missing chromosomes, or mutated chromosomes which cause abnormalities in the DNA and overall the child.

A photo of the chromosomes in a dividing cell arranged by size is an?

Karyotype. A karyotype is a visual representation of an individual's chromosomes arranged by size, shape, and banding pattern. It can be used to detect genetic abnormalities, such as extra or missing chromosomes.

What chromosomal abnormality causes Turner syndrome?

If one of sex chromosomes is missing. Normal-XX Turner- XO

Which mutation causes either the inclusion of an extra chromosomes. in offspring or the deletion of an entire chromosome?


What clues to the presence of certain genetic disorders can be seen in a karyotypes?

-Extra, missing or damaged chromosomes could show the presence of genetic disorders.

What type of disorders are karyotyping used to diagnose?

Chromosomal disorders can be observed in a human karyotype. It can show whether there are extra chromosomes, or missing chromosomes, or malformed chromosomes, or whether chromosomes have extra pieces, or missing pieces.