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The warmth of the Sun creates temperature differences that change the direction of the wind.

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Q: What causes global winds to appear to turn instead of blow straight across the earth's surface?
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Which of these causes global winds to appear to turn instead of blow straight across the earth's surface?

The Coriolis effect causes global winds to appear to turn instead of blowing straight across the Earth's surface. This effect is the result of the Earth's rotation and causes moving air or water to be deflected to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere.

Which of these causes global winds to appear to turn instead of blow straight across the earths surface?

Coriolis effect

Causes global winds to appear to turn instead of blow straight across the earth's surface?

The warmth of the Sun creates temperature differences that change the direction of the wind.

What causes global winds to appear to turn instead of blow straight across the earth surface?

The warmth of the Sun creates temperature differences that change the direction of the wind.

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