When there is a shortage of water, and high temperature in a vegetated area, the grass, or other leafy vegetation will start to dry. Add the dry winds, and the leaves start rubbing together, causing friction, which creates heat, and sets the dried leaves on fire.
YES And to make it extra special there is an underground coal fire that causes brush fires every years about 20 miles from my house.
A lightning strike is a common cause of wild fires, which can happen anywhere.
lightning causes muck fires :)
During the eruption very hot gases are released, lava, hot rock fragments which in contact with dry vegetation causes fires.
yes we do we have uncontrollable fires that burn the leaves and fireworks get set off in 4th of July in the the woods
the tiniest spark and litter
wild fires caused by natural causes like lightning
fires and wild fires
YES And to make it extra special there is an underground coal fire that causes brush fires every years about 20 miles from my house.
A lightning strike is a common cause of wild fires, which can happen anywhere.
wild fires, forest fires, ouse fires, cooking fires, etc.I'm pretty sure there are more.
Human activities such as campfires, debris burning, equipment use, and arson are some of the main causes of forest fires in the western US. Additionally, lightning strikes during dry and windy conditions can also ignite fires in the region.
Wild fires have occurred since the beginning of time, so there is really no good answer to this question.
lightning causes muck fires :)
It is important to know about the causes of fires and how to prevent fires so you can prevent the death, injuries, and property loss that results form fire.
It is important to know about the causes of fires and how to prevent fires so you can prevent the death, injuries, and property loss that results form fire.