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A giant star would experience a supernova explosion, in order to become a white dwarf.

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Q: What causes a giant star to turn into a white dwarf?
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How are giant stars and white dwarf related?

A giant star is a dying star that expanded, and the core shrinks are the same time. When the shell of the giant star drift into space as planetary nebula, the core became a white dwarf. The white dwarf is made from the core of the giant star.

Which is the correct order - white dwarf or red?

The correct order is red giant followed by white dwarf. A red giant is a stage in the life cycle of a star where it has expanded and cooled. After the red giant phase, the star sheds its outer layers and the core collapses to form a white dwarf.

How a star becames a white dwarf?

A white dwarf is the core of a dead star. As the star runs out of fuel, it expands into a red giant, as the shell of the red giant became a planetary nebula, and the core shrinks and became a white dwarf.

Is Pollux a white dwarf star?

No, Pollux is not a white dwarf star. It is an orange giant star that is nearing the end of its life cycle. White dwarfs are remnants of stars like the Sun after they have exhausted their nuclear fuel.

What are the two giant and dwarf star?

Red Giants & Blue Giants & White Dwarf star

Steps in the life of a star?

the steps in the life of a star is the yellow dwarf,red giant,white dwarf & the black dwarf.

What is the relationship between a giant and a white dwarf?

A red giant is old to middle aged star and a white dwarf is dead star so the relationship is they are both are dead and alive.

What exactly is a white dwarf star?

It is when the star is close to its death stage. {Main Sequence, Giant, Super Giant, and then the white dwarfs}

What is the temperature of super giant star?

the temperature white dwarf star is 10,000

What The outer atmosphere of a star?

white dwarf or a red giant

Star of life?

Nebule > Star > Red Giant > Red Dwarf > White Dwarf > Supernova > Neutron Star > Black Hole.

What stage follows the white dwarf stage of star development red giant prostar neutron black dwarf?

The Neutron stage follows the White Dwarf stage of star development.