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The "revolution" of the Earth is around the Sun and takes about 365.25 days.

The "rotation" (spin) of the Earth around its axis is one day, or 24 hours. The actual rotation time is 23 hours and 56 minutes, but the Earth is moving around the Sun and takes another 4 minutes to complete its turn facing the Sun.

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12y ago
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12y ago

One revolution of the Sun takes approximately 365.25 days (one year).


Depending on the center of the revolution:

  • 28 days around the common center of gravity between it and the moon
  • 365 days around the sun
  • 225 million years around the Milky Way galaxy

*The revolution of the Earth around its axis, or spin, is called "rotation."

(see the related question below)

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12y ago

24 hours. This represents a human day. The exact time of a rotation is roughly

23 hours and 58 minutes, over the course of four years this adds up to a day,

which is why leap years were created. The Earth is constantly rotating, but say

you are in the United States, one 24-hour day would represent a rotation for

your part of the world.



It takes the earth 23hours 56minutes 4seconds (rounded) to spin once on its axis.

That's 3minutes 56seconds shorter than 24 hours, and over the course of 1 year,

that adds up to 1 day.

None of that has anything to do with the earth's revolution around the sun,

and it also has nothing to do with Leap Year.

It takes the earth 365.25636days (rounded) to revolve once around the sun.

There's the extra quarter day ... the part after the 365.

If our calendar had 365 days in it every year, then the earth would lag behind

the calendar by 1/4 day every year, because the earth takes longer than that

to complete a revolution, and the extra quarter-days would pile up. The seasons

would begin about 25 days later in the calendar every Century, and we don't

want that.

We can't add 1/4 day to the calendar every year to let the earth catch up to the

calendar, so we add a whole day every 4 years to let the earth catch up, which

is exactly the same thing.

Other than that, the first answer really nailed the whole topic.

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14y ago

The Sun does rotate, but because it isn't a single solid object, different parts rotate at differing speeds. The equatorial areas of the Sun rotate in about 25 days, while it takes nearly 33 days for the polar regions of the Sun to go around once.

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14y ago

Earth takes 365.24 days to make one complete revolution around the sun. It takes one day (approximately 23 hours, 56 minutes) for the Earth to rotate about its axis once.

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3mo ago

The Earth completes one revolution around the Sun due to gravitational forces between the two bodies. This revolution takes approximately 365.25 days to complete, resulting in the length of a year.

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3mo ago

The Earth completes one revolution around the Sun due to gravitational forces between the two bodies. This revolution takes approximately 365.25 days to complete, resulting in the length of a year.

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12y ago

The Earth's orbital revolution around the sun repeats with a period of

365days 6hours 9minutes 9seconds (seconds rounded)

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14y ago

Exactly one year it takes to planet Earth to rotate the sun fully.

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15y ago

1 rotation take 24 hours. 1 revolution takes 365 days. 1 rotation take 24 hours. 1 revolution takes 365 days. It doesn one full spin in 24 hours, an it revolves around the sun ever 365 days.

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Earth's rotation on its axis causes day and night. Earth's revolution around the sun causes the seasons.

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The earth's revolution around the sun.

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The seasons, because of the tilt of the Earth's axis.

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The rotation of the earth is what causes the sun to appear to set

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The rotation of the Earth on its axis causes day and night. The revolution of the Earth around the Sun causes the change in seasons. The tilt of the Earth's axis is responsible for the varying lengths of daylight throughout the year.

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Revolution refers to the Earth's orbit around the Sun, which affects seasons by causing changes in the angle and intensity of sunlight reaching different parts of the Earth at different times of the year. This results in variations in temperature and day length, leading to the different seasons we experience.

Does revolution causes day and night?

no it is when the earth spins on its axisI LOVE U

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The revolution of the earth causes the seasons right?

Yes, the revolution of the Earth around the sun is what causes the change of seasons. The tilt of the Earth's axis as it orbits the sun is responsible for the varying sunlight intensity that is experienced in different parts of the world, leading to the four distinct seasons.

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Our revolution speed is 30 per second."Viva la Revolucion!" means "Long live the Revolution!" in Spanish.The revolution of the Earth causes night and day.