

What cause freckles and moles?

Updated: 10/24/2023
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12y ago

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Freckles are caused by the melanocytes of that particular patch of skin to produce more melanin than the surrounding skin usually due to UV radiation exposure. Moles are actually considered tumors as they are abnormal skin growths. Most moles are caused by mutations of a given skin cell but are not usually dangerous.

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8mo ago

Freckles are caused by an increased production of melanin in the skin due to exposure to sunlight. Moles, on the other hand, are usually caused by clusters of pigment-producing cells called melanocytes. They can be present at birth or can develop over time due to factors like genetic predisposition or sun exposure. It is important to monitor moles for any changes in size, shape, or color as they can sometimes be a sign of skin cancer.

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no, freckles are beautiful , they don't cause any infections nor can you "catch" freckles

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No, freckles are not dead cancer cells. Freckles are small, flat spots on the skin that contain a concentration of melanin pigment. They are usually harmless and can darken or fade depending on sun exposure.

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No. A rainbow can't "cause" anything.

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no because if it did u will see alot of freckles on chienese ppl!!!! =] lol jk but it is true and dont worry cause freckles only accure to ppl that have had it since birth. :> <3

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No, it doesn't.

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No it is not. Dark spots can be freckles, moles, or something else. Go see a doctor.