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A raisin becomes turgid when placed in a hypotonic solution, causing water to enter the raisin through osmosis. This influx of water causes the raisin to swell and become firm or turgid.

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Q: What cause a rasin to be turgid?
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What is the definition of turgid?

Turgid means swollen or inflated.

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Stjenka Rasin - 1936 is rated/received certificates of: Finland:K-16

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You need to check the spelling in your question becasue i doubt that the word rasin exists.

What does it mean if plant cell is turgid?

If a plant cell is turgid it is swollen, distended, congested or stiff

What is an antonym for the word turgid?

The antonym for the word "turgid" is "deflated."

What is a dries grape?

A dried grape is a rasin

What does it mean if a river is described as turgid?

When a river turns turgid, it means that it is flooding. There is a lot of water than the river is overflowing. Turgid can also be used in a different sense to describe individuals as well.

What does george call Walter in a rasin in the sun?
