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8mo ago

During a volcanic eruption, you can see ash, lava, and gases being expelled from the volcano's vent. Sometimes there are also pyroclastic flows, which are fast-moving currents of hot gas and rock. The eruption may also produce volcanic lightning, ash clouds, and lava fountains.

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Volcanoes can erupt in any climate. Climate does not affect a volcano's ability to erupt.

What type of volcano does and does not erupt?

Active volcanoes erupt. Dormant volcanoes are quiet - but may erupt again some day. Extinct volcanoes have "closed up shop" for good, and will never erupt again.

Are volcanoes considered volcanoes when they erupt?

Yes, they are.

What makes composite volcanoes to erupt?

Ash and Gas make composite volcanoes erupt i believe

Where does volcanoes mostly erupt in?

they mostly erupt in Hawaii

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When volcanoes erupt will they ever erupt again?

Yes, they often erupt again.

How do cinder cone volcanos erupt?

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