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The best way to stimulate your clitoris is to make sure that your door is locked, and that you will not be interrupted by anyone or anything during your masturbation session.Every young lady needs to know what makes her feel good, what feels the best, and where all the different parts of her anatomy is, especially the equipment found between her legs.

Every young girl, lets say for the sake of discussion that every mom with a daughter older than 13 should be able to afford her daughters complete factual and straightforward information about the source of pleasure derived from her genitals.

She must make sure that it is done with dignity, but matter of factly as well.

No unnecessary drawn out discussions need to be approached or discussed during this discourse with your daughters.

Just make sure that they understand hat they have the following things between their legs that boys don't have.

That they have 3 holes, one is to have a bowel movement, to defecate from, the other to urinate from, their urethra, and their vagina, the largest, most flexible hole "down there" and can stretch large enough to allow a baby to pass through without a problem.

Make sure that they understand that no one should ever touch them in this area, unless they say its ok, as an example, making a baby with their husband or making love, when they are of an age where they can decide for themselves that they are ready to have a relationship, where needs are being fulfilled sexually, and touching in that case is ok, and necessary for the act to come to fruition.

Lastly, if they are at the doctors office being examined professionally, as in a OB/GYN appointment.

All young girls need to have time alone to look, touch and examine their anatomy.

It is important for them to feel comfortable with their sexuality, their anatomy and what they look like and the feelings associated with being touched in their genital region.

Every young lady has a different threshold for stimulation near and around/on the clitoris and the vagina.

Some young ladies cannot tolerate direct clitoral stimulation, some need it intensely.

It is impossible to tell until the actually touch themselves.

I recommend that all young girls be given the opportunity to spread their legs, and their labia apart, and take a good look at what they are dealing with in their pubic region.

They need to be assured that as long as their hands are clean, and they are not rough on themselves, ie: inserting their fingers into their vagina too vigorously, that they are perfectly safe, and they will not in any way injure themselves, or deflower themselves-"pop their cherry" by inserting a finger or any other object inside their vagina, as long as its not breakable or sharp, able to cause lacerations to the vagina or surrounding tissues. They should be encouraged to regularly masturbate, stimulating their clitoris or the surrounding hood, as it is often too sensitive to rub or touch the clitoris i self.

All young ladies should be allowed to masturbate, even be encouraged to do this! They must be given privacy and courtesy, and direction. There are many good publications on the art of masturbation for females and the anatomy of the orgasm for young girls.

Both are excellent and are not overly graphic.

It is of great value for them to discover the pleasure of orgasm, the feeling of impending climax, and what makes them feel the best, both prior to and after orgasm, bye stimulating their clitoris.

It is of course themselves that will be and should be the best at making themselves climax the hardest and the most vigorously.....and why should this not be the case.

They know what makes them feel the best, as they are in control of the total experience. Never should masturbation, clitoral or vaginal stimulation takes time and technique.

It makes me sad...very sad,, to have met and interviewed so many 18-19-20 year old woman, who are downright afraid, and ashamed, and turn pale on the spot when asked if they have ever touched themselves or their clitoris.

Many many young ladies , especially girls from the Philippines, China, Japan and the Middle eastern countries have been taught never ever to touch, or to be touched, by themselves, or to insert a finger inside themselves. In many cultures, this is taught to be a sin.

So many times and it is a shame, especially when beginning a relationship where a boy wants, and is attempting to be a gentleman, waits and tries his very best to teach his girlfriend about the wonders of touching, wanting to touch his girls clitoris, to give the same pleasure the he has received from his lover, and the girl has no clue what so ever about the area between her thighs, including her clitoris.

Oh, she might be able to talk about her clitoris and tell you where it is in general terms, but to point it out, or to identify its function, is impossible, she doesn't have a clue, and is horribly embarrassed to even think about it.

She hears inside her head...years and years of puritanical teaching, usually catholic or other eastern religions, that you don't derive pleasure from touching yourself. It is evil and a sin.

That it is generally ok to bring your man relief and release from the pressure that has built inside his loins, but sinful and horrid for you the female to allow the one part of her anatomy that can give her the pleasure she desperately needs.

Without it, she will be utterly frustrated, without release, without any feeling of total abandonment, ever. Why, because she will not allow her clitoris to be licked sucked or digitally manipulated.

It makes me truly sorry for the multitudes of girls who are missing out on one of the greatest experiences in life, her own orgasm, her own sexuality, and she has been raised up never to feel, never to touch, never to experience her own climax.

At the age of 19, most young ladies are untrainable, except for the very few who can trust their husbands or boyfriends or lovers, completely, disregarding years of teaching from their church, their parents.... it's truly a shame, as this ruins in many cases, any chance for a normal sexual relationship or sexuality on the young woman's part. She simply will never have the full experience of touching, playing, foreplay and inevitably orgasm, climax and complete incredible bliss.

The female clitoris is of course, the female version of the male penis.

It has all the same structures as the male penis.

It has the glands, the shaft, and the bulbous head the same as the male penis does.

It has the same or more of the same amount of excitatory nerve endings, more per square centimeter then the male penis does.

It is capable of multiple orgasmic response, which the male organ is not.

A woman that is healthy mentally and physically can have anywhere between 1 and 10 orgasms without any refractory period whatsoever.

Males on the other hand, after ejaculation, that is after they are stimulated and discharge their semen in short squirts that are approximately 0.7-0.8 seconds per ejaculation. Boys and men, when they have reached the peak stimulus and are ready to begin ejaculation, feel an intense urge to release the built up sperm, prostatic fluids and mucus during masturbation or intercourse, and feeling this very intense need to ejaculate, they have a feeling of complete and utter bliss, waves of pleasure course through their bodies.

They can think of only one thing at the moment, and that is to ejaculate.

Once that feeling begins, and once the feeling and need to ejaculate occurs, spasms go from the spinal cord to the penis and back, sending muscular contractions to the prostate to the penis and to the scrotum and the gonads/testis.

The testis draw up tight against the body, the prostate spasms, and the rectal muscles tighten up, all to propel their ejaculate out of the penis.

Most boys and men, start having their first ejaculations at the age of 10-12, and continue till death.

Once ejaculation starts, nothing can stop it, it will not stop until between 5 and 8 ejaculations occur at an average of 0.6-0.8 secs apart.

This gets less and less vigorous with age.

The female orgasm however, does not degrade with age, as the males does. The clitoris maintains its nerve endings until death. It remains the most sensitive and important organ when it comes to a females intimacy.

The female clitoral induced orgasm may stay the same and strong, until well into the 80's, sometimes longer.

Many woman in their 70's enjoy a regular and healthy orgasmic experience and healthy sexuality.

In summary, It is healthy for all young girls/woman to stimulate their clitoris and surrounding structures.

The people who teach sex education, must make certain that from even 12-13 years of age, each young lady needs every opportunity be given for questions to be answered, and to see that the time is afforded for them to experiment with their bodies, for them to know and be told so, that it is not at all wrong to touch themselves, and understand what their bodies are all about.

The glorious gift that the creator gave them, the wonderful and sensuousness that only sexuality can bring to a person, relationship and a family.

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2w ago

You can stimulate your clitoris by using light, circular movements with your fingers or a sex toy, experimenting with different levels of pressure and speed until you find what feels best for you. Incorporating lubrication can also enhance sensation and make stimulation more comfortable. It's important to communicate with your partner about what feels good and explore different techniques to discover what works for you.

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14y ago

You put your finger on it and rub back and forth. you can decide on how hard to push and pull.

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14y ago

suck it and lick it

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