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Q: What can you do if you get sexuly excited?
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Is a DC motor single excited or double excited?

It is doubly excited if it is sparately excited dc motor, singly excited if it is self excited machine

Is both them and us were excited correct?

"Both them and us were excited" is not correct usage. Look at how the pronouns would be used separately, then combine them in one, correct sentence. You would say "They were excited" not "Them were excited." Similarly, you would say "We were excited," not "Us were excited." The correct combination would be: "We and they were excited."

You are excited in the opportunity of joining.... is this correct grammar?

No. You can be excited about, or excited at, but not excited in. For example, you are excited about the opportunity of joining....

When was Be Excited created?

Be Excited was created in 2007.

What is the adjective of excited?

The adjective for excited is exciting. Example: That was an exciting movie!

What is a word meaning the same as excited?

ExciteTo stir up strong feeling, action or emotionTo stimulate the emotions ofTo bring about; To induceStimulated to activity; briskExcited - Eager, Active, enthusiastic

What is a antonym of excited?

the antonym for excited is unagitated or unreactive

What is another way to spell excited?

Just "excited".

What is an example of a metaphor for excited?

Excited as a squirrel on a trampoline

What is the superlative degree for the word excited?

most excited

What part of speech is excited in the sentence you are all excited about going to the fair?

In this example, "excited" is an adjective. It is a predicate adjective, because it follows the linking verb "are". An example of using "excited" as a verb is, "His arrival excited the dogs, and they began to bark."