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Nobody knows for certain, but it is possible that it might be used to treat or cure a variety of diseases where specific types of cells are missing (either because they were never there, they died out, an autoimmune disorder killed them off, etc.). A few of these possibilities are:

  • Parkinson's - caused by the loss of dopamine producing cells in the substantia nigra in the brain
  • Diabetes (type I) - caused by the death of insulin producing cells in the Islets of Langerhans in the pancreas
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Q: What can stem cells help to cure?
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What are cells use for?

Stem cells are used for fighting off deadly diseases, and stem cells can help cell growth and reproduction.

How can stem cells be used to treat diseases like diabetes?

Stem cells can be differentiated into pancreatic cells that produce insulin, which can then be transplanted into a diabetic patient to replace those that are damaged or dysfunctional. This can help regulate blood sugar levels and improve the symptoms of diabetes. Research is ongoing to optimize this approach and make it more effective and safe for patients.

Can Stem cells fight off diseases?

No. Stem cells can reproduce and become other cells which may help fight off disease.

How many diseases can stem cells cure?

Stem cells have shown promise in treating a variety of diseases, but the number of diseases they can cure is still evolving. Some conditions that stem cell therapies have shown potential for include blood disorders, certain types of cancer, spinal cord injuries, and autoimmune diseases. Research in this area is ongoing to determine the full extent of their therapeutic applications.

Why can stem cells be used to treat paralysis?

Stem cells have the ability to differentiate into various cell types, including nerve cells. When injected into the damaged area of the spinal cord, stem cells can help regenerate and replace lost nerve cells, potentially restoring function and alleviating paralysis. Additionally, stem cells can help reduce inflammation and provide growth factors that support tissue repair in the nervous system.

Related questions

How can a stem cell transplant help cure diseases?

A stem cell transplant can help cure disease because it can grow into any cells that you body needs. An example of a time when a stem cell transplant is when a man cut off the end of his finger and used pig stem cells to grow it back.

When has stem cells been used to cure someone?

The stem cells are the undifferentiated cells from the embryonic mass. In recent days these are being used to cure several diseases.

How are stem cells beneficial?

They can replace cells to treat or cure diseases.

Could embryonic stem cells help people with some diseases?

they can cure human diseases but the question is should we use them.

CAn stem cells cure diseases with scientific proof?


Do stem cells cure a cancerous growth?

No. But if you kill or remove the cancer, the tissues/organs that were removed can be replaced or regenerated with stem cells.

Can stem cells cure osteoarthritis knee pain?

Stem cells currently have no use in the medical industry but around the year 2025 scientists are hoping to be able to master the art of being able to turn stem cells to a human's own cells which could cure cancer and many other diseases.

Can stem cells be used to cure breast cancer?

Yes, I think so.

Are stem cells good for someone who has infantile spasm syndrome?

Infantile spasm syndrome is a seizure disorder that affects infants. Some unscrupulous physicians are giving stem cells to infants with the syndrome as a potential \"cure\". However, according to the National Institute of Health Stem Cell Treatment Center, research on stem cells in not advanced enough to represent a cure for this condition. Stem cells have been forced to create brain cells in the laboratory, but this research is a long way from being placed in a living human as a cure for infantile spasm syndrome.

Adult stem cells from cord blood?

It's confirmed stem cells from cord blood is as effective as stem cells from embryo. The cord blood can cure fatal diseases and you can read stories of success in the blog provided below.

Why are scientists researching stem cells?

Stem cells would be crucial in learning how to cure some genetic diseases and growing organs for people who need organ transplants.

What kind of projects are the bd biosciences currently working on?

"BD Biosciences are currently working on furthering their research on Stem Cells, Stem Cell Transplants, and the general use of stem cells to treat and cure disease."