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Things don't contain radiation. They can EMIT radiation, but they do this by actively producing it. It's like people emit sounds when they talk but there isn't a load of sound sitting inside the person waiting to be released.

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14y ago
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3mo ago

Most goods are safe from radiation, as exposure to common levels of radiation typically does not pose a significant risk to most everyday items. However, sensitive electronics, photographic film, and some food items may be susceptible to damage from radiation and should be appropriately shielded or avoided in high radiation environments.

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13y ago

Radiation questions are always tricky, because there is no one type of radiation and there is no single answer.

First let's assume this question is more like "How could canned goods become radioactive?" The short answer: Canned goods will not become more radioactive unless you place them next to a extremely high energy beam, which exists only at research facilities. I say "more", because every item on earth that has carbon in it is also slightly radioactive. "You" are naturally radioactive at very very very low levels.

Canned goods could be initially packaged with radioactive material. In today's environment, with the Japan crisis, our biggest problem, and it's small, is with Iodine. Two forms of iodine are radioactive and our thyroid takes up a lot of iodine. The good news on this is two-fold: the worst radioactive iodine has a half-life of 8 days, so that if it is canned, transported and left on a shelf for 2 weeks, the amount of radioactive iodine is already 25% of what it was originally - use table salt, not sea salt, while technically the same, table salt is refined and has non-radioactive iodine added (usually). That already helps our thyroid by filling it with good iodine.

To reduce today's risk - listen to people monitoring the radiation. There are so many people doing this now, it's easy to find. If there is a higher amount and our government is concerned about it, they have done a lot of research on this..... Purchase canned goods from the Southern Hemisphere, they're not getting the same amount of radiation, or simply, the easiest, let your canned goods sit on the shelf for 24 days to reduce the amount of radiation to only 12% of what it was when you bought it.

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6y ago

Radiactive isotopes emit ionizing radiations.

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11y ago

the sponge

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Q: What can goods are safe from radiation?
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Does The film badge keep radiation workers safe from radiation?

Not directly, but it allows them to monitor how much dose of radiation they have received over a period of time, so they can look at it and check they haven't received too much dosage.

What is the difference between radiation protection and radiation safety?

Radiation protection focuses on minimizing exposure to radiation to prevent harm to individuals and the environment. Radiation safety, on the other hand, encompasses practices and measures put in place to ensure that radiation sources are properly handled, stored, and used in a safe manner to protect individuals and the public from potential harm.

What type of radiation do bananas emit?

Bananas emit very low levels of radiation in the form of potassium-40, a naturally occurring radioactive isotope. The radiation levels from bananas are so low that they are considered safe for consumption.

Gamma radiation is it safe to inject into a human but alpha particles would be very dangerous?

Gamma radiation can be safely used in medical procedures like radiotherapy when controlled doses are delivered. On the other hand, alpha particles are highly ionizing and can cause significant damage if inhaled or ingested, making them dangerous inside the body. It is essential to understand the differences in their properties and interactions with human tissue to ensure safe application.

What is the purpose of wearing a film badge when working with ionizing radiation sources?

Film badges are worn by workers to monitor their exposure to ionizing radiation sources. The badge contains film strips that darken when exposed to radiation, providing a way to measure and track radiation exposure over time. This helps ensure that radiation doses stay within safe limits and protect workers' health.

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Is it safe to enter Japan after the radiation?

For many years, there was radiation in the air in Japan from the dropping of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. However, Japan is perfectly safe to visit today, with no risk of radiation poisoning.

Is it safe to freeze can goods?

probably not because the can can burst!!!!!!

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Can you live in hiroshima and nagasaki?

They are totally rebuild and safe on radiation.

What can one do to be safe from radiation?

To be safe from radiation, one can limit exposure whenever possible by increasing distance from the source, decreasing time spent near the source, and using shielding materials like lead or concrete to block radiation. Following safety procedures and guidelines, wearing appropriate protective gear, and regularly monitoring radiation levels are also important steps to stay safe.

Do rc boat motors release any radiation?

no they do not because it is just a motor. there is no radiation that comes out of rc boat motors. it is completely safe when it comes to radiation, that is.

Is it safe to go near Nuclear Waste?

No. It emits radiation and is very harmfull without a proper Radiation Protective equipment

What is a hinkety pinkety for a safe for sugary goods?

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How much radiation does a computer transformer give off?

none. They are safe.

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What imaging procedures emits safe levels of radiation?

Ct scan

What safety issues should be considered when dealing with radiation?

Safety issues to consider when working with radiation include proper shielding to minimize exposure, maintaining a safe distance from the radiation source, using appropriate personal protective equipment, and following established radiation safety protocols and guidelines. Regular training and monitoring of radiation levels are also important to ensure a safe working environment.