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it's so important.Fossil teach us what kind of animal was it,what kind of food,how did they grew and we can know the past of the climate.and it's helpful of the energy.fossils are very important

Fossils are among the most valuable sources of information about the Earth's history. They tell us about the organisms that lived on Earth from the time of the oldest fossils, about 3.8 billion years ago, to the present. By studying fossils we can learn not only about the creatures and plants of the distant past, but how they grew, what they ate, how they interacted, and many aspects of their behavior.

Fossils reveal many fascinating facts about the past, but they do a lot more. Do you own anything made out of plastic? Plastic comes from oil, which also provides gasoline, gas heat, and many other necessities of modern life. Fossils are one of the most useful aids to finding oil, because oil tends to accumulate in the pores of particular rock layers. Rocks of different ages contain different fossils. Study of microscopic fossils brought up in chips of rock during drilling of wells has led to many major oil and gas discoveries. Also, the oil itself is derived from fossil remains of ancient organisms.

Study of fossils has led to important new understanding about how life evolved on earth and about you know that fossil is very important and useful thanks.

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Fossils show us pictures of animals that could be swimming around thousands of years ago.

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Fossils can tell about Earth's history by how it looks and how everything changes about it once at a time.

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they tell us about what used to live long ago.

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Fossils provide us with information about how the animals & plants of the past lived their lives.

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Q: What can fossils tell us about the earth?
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How do fossils tell the story of earth?

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It can tell us how old they are and how and where they moved in the past .

Is it true when you study earth's interior geologists often rely on indirect such as evidence from fossils?

No, when studying Earth's interior, geologists rely on direct evidence such as seismic waves, drilling samples, and geophysical data. Fossils are used by paleontologists to study past life forms and environments, not the Earth's interior.

What can fossils tell us about stegosaurus?

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What do fossils tell scientists about living things?

Fossils reveal what organisms lived before us.

Fossils cannot tell us this about a dinosaur?

it cannot tell the color of the dinosaur..

How do fossils help us tell the story of life?

Fossils provide evidence of past life forms, helping scientists understand how species have evolved over time. By studying fossils, researchers can track the diversity of life on Earth, identify extinct species, and reconstruct ancient ecosystems. This information helps us piece together the history of life on our planet.

Why are fossils so important?

Fossils are important to the humans because they help us learn about animals that are extinct (like dinosours). They can also help us with many clues as to how dinosours became extinct, and what they looked like.

What fossils can tell us?

Not much, they're pretty quiet.