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Cooling rate of molten rock

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Q: What can determine the size of grains in igneous rocks?
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What size grains do igneous rocks have?

The bigger it is, the slower it cools and vise versa. -Life Science last year; Lots o' geology.

How are rocks and grains different?

Rocks are composed of one or more minerals, while grains are small, individual particles of a mineral. Rocks can be made up of different types of minerals and have a variety of sizes and shapes, while grains are typically uniform in composition and size. Rocks are larger and can be made up of multiple grains, whereas grains are individual, tiny fragments.

Which 2 groups is broken down into smaller groups by grain size?

Sedimentary rocks and igneous rocks can be broken down into smaller groups based on grain size. In sedimentary rocks, grain size categories include clay, silt, sand, and gravel. In igneous rocks, grain size categories include fine-grained, medium-grained, and coarse-grained.

Are igneous rocks heavy?

Igneous rocks can vary in weight depending on factors like mineral composition and density. Overall, igneous rocks tend to be denser and heavier than sedimentary or metamorphic rocks due to their formation from molten magma that cools and solidifies into a dense mass.

Why do some igneous rock have bigger mineral grains than others?

This is due to the rate of cooling - a slower rate of cooling results in large mineral grains because the molecules had time to maneuver into a crystalline lattice. A faster rate of cooling results in smaller mineral grains because the molecules were locked into place faster and therefore couldn't form the crystalline lattice structures before getting stuck.

Related questions

What determines the size of grains in igneous rocks?

The cooling rate of molten rock

How can you determine if a igneous rock has had an intrusive or extrusive origin?

== Grain size. Most intrusive igneous rocks will have visible crystals. Crystals in most extrusive igneous rocks are not easily visible.

What describes a rock's texture geologists determine?

The size shape and pattern of the rocks grains

What size grains do igneous rocks have?

The bigger it is, the slower it cools and vise versa. -Life Science last year; Lots o' geology.

What texture is igneous?

Igneous rocks can have different textures depending on how they were formed. They can be fine-grained if they cooled quickly, or coarse-grained if they cooled slowly. Other textures include glassy (no visible grains), porphyritic (large crystals in a fine-grained matrix), or vesicular (with voids or bubbles).

Igneous rocks are classified based upon their what?

Igneous rocks are classified based on their mineral composition, texture, and formation process. The minerals present in the rock, the size of the grains, and whether the rock formed beneath the Earth's surface (intrusive) or on the surface (extrusive) are key factors in classification.

How can you tell igneous rocks apart?

Igneous rocks can be classified based on their texture and mineral composition. Texture is determined by the size of the mineral grains, with coarse-grained rocks forming from slow cooling and fine-grained rocks forming from rapid cooling. Mineral composition can also help differentiate igneous rocks, such as identifying the presence of minerals like quartz, feldspar, or olivine.

Igneous rocks are classified based upon their composition and what?

Igneous rocks are classified based on their composition and texture. Composition is determined by the minerals present, while texture refers to the size of the mineral grains in the rock. These classifications help geologists understand the conditions under which the rock formed.

What are the properties of intrusive igneous rocks?

Intrusive igneous rocks form beneath the Earth's surface from slow-cooling magma, resulting in larger mineral crystals. They have a coarse-grained texture and are more resistant to weathering and erosion compared to extrusive igneous rocks. Examples include granite, diorite, and gabbro.

What are tiny rocks as small as grains of salt called?

Tiny rocks as small as grains of salt are called sand.

What are the three major characteristics that geologists use to identify igneous rocks?

The three major characteristics that geologists use to identify igneous rocks are mineral composition, texture, and color. Mineral composition is determined by the types of minerals present in the rock, texture refers to the size and arrangement of mineral grains, and color can provide clues about the rock's mineral content and history.

Are igneous rocks big or small?

An igneous rock could be of any size, from microscopic to miles in diameter.