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Considering the chloroplasts have the chlorophyll which give energy to the plant and is where the energy is made it would have to be the cells which contain the mitochondria which is where the energy in cells is made

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It is like solar panels that convert suns sunlight in to energy

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solar panel

Contains pigment chlorophyll; This is the site of photosynthesis.

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Like basically a solar panel


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A battery.

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Q: What can a chloroplast be compared to in real life?
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What is chloroplast compared to?

Chloroplast is compared to a power house. Its compared to that because it provide the energy needed to function.

Do moon cactus have chloroplast?

yes, all plant life has chloroplast. chloroplast is what makes the plant food

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C.S. Lewis believed that what we take for real life is a "shadowlands" compared to eternal life.

What is a real life example of chlorophyll?

A chloroplast is a jelly

What part of a house is like chloroplast?

Chloroplast make food for plant. So it can be compared to a kitchen

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The Plant Vacuole can be compared to a vacuum cleaner They can be compared to a water tank, as they hold the plant cell's water.

What can you compare a chloroplast to?

Chloroplast is compared to a power house. Its compared to that because it provide the energy needed to function.

A major difference in RNA as compared to DNA is the presence of the base?

it is when two rhibosomes enter a chloroplast and they unite.uracil

What are chloroplast used in?

They are used in photosynthesis.They provide food for life.

What are 2-3 differences between the electron transport chain in the mitochondria compared to the chloroplast?

Chloroplast converts light energy into chemical energy, whereas mitochondria converts chemical energy into a different chemical energy. Chloroplast is present in plants and mitochondria is present in all cells

Which of the cell structures illustrated controls the life functions in a cell?

The Chloroplast