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Q: What brings about the disruption of the cycle in the environment?
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How do you feel about the water cycle?

Water cycle is a rejuvenating process. It brings rain.

Which describes a disruption in the water cycle that could affect photosynthesis?

Polluted water affects water cycle. It also affects photosynthesis.

What is the secondary disturbance?

A secondary disturbance refers to a disruption or change that occurs as a result of the original disturbance in a system or environment. It is a consequence or ripple effect of the primary disruption.

What process brings water down on earth?

The process that brings water down on Earth is called precipitation. This occurs when water droplets or ice crystals in clouds become too heavy to remain suspended and fall to the ground as rain, snow, sleet, or hail.

Why does the water cycle play an important role in the environment?

The water cycle plays an important role in the environment. This cycle recycles the water in the system for the plants and animals.

What is the significance of the water cycle in the overall functioning in the environment?

Water cycle rejuvenate overall environment. It is responsible for recycling of water.

How does the water cycle effect human lifestyle?

Water cycle brings water to earth's surface. it is important for human's survival.

What is pollution in biology?

Pollution in biology refers to the introduction of harmful substances into the environment that can negatively impact living organisms and their habitats. This can include chemicals, toxins, or other pollutants that disrupt ecological processes, harm wildlife, and pose risks to human health. Control and management of pollution are critical to maintaining healthy ecosystems and biodiversity.

What are positive uses of water cycle?

It brings rainfall. It helps in growth of plants.

What processes cycle water trough the environment?

There are four processes which cycle water through the environment. These are: Evaporation, Condensation, Precipitation and Collection.

Does the water cycle consists of precipitation?

Yes, water cycle consists of precipitation. It brings the fresh water back to the water bodies.