horse live in grassland coz they eat grass for they survival ...........
for surviving they use to live in grass land
Yes, horses can be commonly found in grasslands as they require open spaces with access to grazing for their diet. Grasslands provide them ample space to move around and forage on grass and other vegetation.
No, prairie dogs are native to North America and live in grasslands, plains, and prairies of the continent. They are not found in African grasslands.
Bisons live in grasslands because they primarily feed on grasses. Grasslands provide the open spaces and the vegetation that bison require for food. Additionally, the open landscapes of grasslands allow bison to graze efficiently and spot predators from a distance.
Some horses do live in grasslands, but that is not the only place you will find them. Horses live in all kinds of territory, from the marshes of camarogue to desert-like areas with hard rocky ground and sparse grass.
pintos and ktes
You can find Mustang horses roaming around public areas and grasslands in the western United States. They aren't truly wild horses, but descendants of domesticated horses. There is only one breed of truly wild horses, and that is the Przewalski's horse, native to Mongolia.
Wild horses tend to live in public fields. Pet horses live in stables and go out in fields.
Quarter horses originated as an American breed
Yes, horses can be commonly found in grasslands as they require open spaces with access to grazing for their diet. Grasslands provide them ample space to move around and forage on grass and other vegetation.
Of course! Horses live anywhere in the world, or can. I hear that the horses are more heavy and like the draft breed up there.
Gazelle's and horses prefer to live in grasslands, while Tigers are found in jungles and forests.
Horses are adaptable animals that can thrive in a variety of habitats. They are commonly found in grasslands, meadows, and open woodlands where they have access to fresh water sources. Domestic horses are mostly found in pastures, while wild horses typically inhabit open range areas.
All horses regardless of breed are herd animals and therefore are happiest when they are with others of their kind, no matter what breed the other horses may be.All horses regardless of breed tend to prefer life in a group called a herd. Some horses however do prefer to live alone, though this is uncommon.