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Q: What bond is broken and reformed to release energy from food molecules?
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Energy is primarily when organic molecules are synthesized and when they are broken down?

Energy is required when organic molecules are synthesized because this process involves building complex molecules which requires input of energy. When organic molecules are broken down, energy is released because the breaking of bonds releases stored energy from the molecules. This energy can be used by the cell for various cellular processes.

True or false food is an example of chemical energy?

True. Food contains chemical energy in the form of molecules that can be broken down during digestion to release energy for the body to use.

When animals store energy in starch when energy is needed what can these molecules be broken down into?

Starch molecules can be broken down into glucose molecules when energy is needed. Glucose is a simple sugar that can be easily converted into energy by cells through the process of cellular respiration.

What is the chemical process through which glucose and other simple molecules are broken down to release energy are?

The chemical process through which glucose and other simple molecules are broken down to release energy is called cellular respiration. This process involves a series of reactions that occur in the presence of oxygen (aerobic respiration) or in the absence of oxygen (anaerobic respiration) to produce ATP, the cell's main energy source.

What is The first stage of the breakdown of sugar molecules for energy?

The first stage of the breakdown of sugar molecules for energy is glycolysis. During glycolysis, a molecule of glucose is broken down into two molecules of pyruvate, producing a small amount of ATP and NADH in the process.

Related questions

What makes food molecules broken down to release energy?

Mitochondria! -produce ATP (energy)

What source of energy that combustion can have?

Combustion can be a source of thermal energy, which is produced when chemical bonds in fuel molecules are broken and reformed. This thermal energy can then be used for various applications such as heating, cooking, or generating electricity.

Food molecules are broken down to release energy by the?

Food molecules are broken down to release energy by the process of cellular respiration. In this process, glucose and other nutrients are oxidized within the cells to produce ATP, which is the main energy currency of the cell. This occurs in the mitochondria of the cell through a series of metabolic reactions involving enzymes.

What is the process in which sugar molecules are broken down release energy?

cellular respiration

When covalent bonds are broken energy is released?

Breaking covalent bonds requires input of energy, not the release of energy. When covalent bonds are broken, energy is absorbed by the molecules involved in the process.

How energy rich biomolecules are broken down to release energy during interaction with other molecules?

cheez no one know

Does ethane or butane have more potential energy?

Butane is a longer hydrocarbon (4 carbons in a chain, as compared to ethanes 2), so it has more energy stored up in the bonds. This means that it will release more energy when it is broken apart and new molecules are formed from it.

A cell organelle that breaks down food molecules and releases energy?

The mitochondria releases energy from food molecules. This is where all things are broken down and turned into energy for the cell.

Chemical processes store and release in the bonds of molecules.?

Chemical processes store and release energy in the form of chemical bonds within molecules. When bonds are formed, energy is stored, and when bonds are broken, energy is released. This exchange of energy is fundamental to all chemical reactions.

A chemical reaction in your body in which bonds are broken is associated with what?

A chemical reaction in your body in which bonds are broken is associated with catabolism, the process of breaking down larger molecules into smaller ones to release energy. This process is essential for generating energy for cellular activities and overall metabolism.

When molecules are broken down from where is the energy released?

When molecules are broken down, the energy is released from the bonds between the atoms in the molecules. This energy is harnessed by the body to perform various functions such as cellular activities, muscle contractions, and overall metabolism.

Where is cellular energy stored long term?

Cellular energy is stored long term in the form of molecules such as glycogen in muscle cells and the liver, and triglycerides in adipose tissue. These molecules can be broken down to release energy when needed by the body.