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Q: What best describes the beliefs of the naturalism?
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What is the difference between naturalism and non-naturalism?

Naturalism is the philosophical belief that all phenomena can be explained by natural causes without recourse to supernatural or divine intervention, while non-naturalism allows for the possibility of supernatural or non-natural explanations for certain phenomena. Naturalism tends to prioritize empirical evidence and scientific explanations, whereas non-naturalism may incorporate metaphysical or spiritual elements.

What of Kepler and or Newton and law best describes Aristotelian violent motions?

The laws of motion are described by Newton's Three Laws. These laws don't coincide fully with previous beliefs about motion.

Which best describes the beginning of the big bang?

A blowing of a balloon best describes the BIG BANG best

Naturalism relies on what?

Naturalism relies on the belief that all phenomena can be explained through natural causes and laws, without the need for supernatural or divine intervention. It emphasizes empirical evidence and scientific methods to understand the world.

What is the different between The Naturalism and the Neo-Naturalism?

Naturalism refers to a literary movement that emerged in the 19th century, emphasizing a realistic portrayal of everyday life, while also exploring the impact of social and environmental factors on human behavior. Neo-naturalism, on the other hand, is a more recent literary trend that builds upon naturalism but incorporates contemporary themes and styles to address modern concerns and issues.

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Who is the father of naturalism in philosophy?

The father of naturalism in philosophy is often considered to be Thales of Miletus, an ancient Greek philosopher. Thales is known for his emphasis on the importance of natural explanations and principles in understanding the world, rather than supernatural or mythological beliefs.

What best describes the beliefs of members of Der Blaue Reiter?

They believed that the artist's purpose was to convey spiritual truths in expressive ways.

Look at this painting by Cimabue.?


What statement best describes the relationship between attitudes and beliefs?

Attitudes are general feelings or evaluations towards something, while beliefs are specific ideas or convictions about that thing. Attitudes are influenced by beliefs, as beliefs can shape one's overall attitude towards a particular issue or object.

How does Naturalism impacts friends?

Define friends in naturalism