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Q: What belt located just north and south of the equator?
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Which is the doldrums belt located?

The doldrums belt is located near the equator, between 5 degrees north and south. It is known for its calm winds and low pressure areas, making it difficult for sailors to navigate through.

What are the Global winds that flow toward equator?

Global winds and currents near the equator flow east to west. The global wind belt located north and south of the equator is called trade winds.

In which wind belt is most of the United States located?

Most of the United States is located in the westerlies wind belt. The westerlies blow from the west to the east in the middle latitudes between 30 and 60 degrees north and south of the equator.

A high air-pressure dry-climate belt is located at which Earth latitude?

The high air-pressure dry-climate belt is typically located around 30 degrees latitude, both north and south of the equator. This region is known as the horse latitudes and is characterized by descending air that warms and dries, leading to arid conditions.

Where the doldrums belt located?

Near the equator

Where is the equator located on the map?

the equator is located around the middle of the earth on the world map.

What is the tropic belt?

The tropical rain belt in a band of rain that moves to the north in June and to the south in December, roughly following the sun's seasonal path. When the tropical rain belt in north of the equator, the northern tropics experience their rainy season and the southern tropics experiences their dry season. When the tropical rain belt is south of the equator, the southern tropics experience their rainy season and the northern tropics experience their dry season.

Where is the Bible belt located?

South of Canada and north of Mexico, but it pinches worst around the old confederacy.

Is jet streams cause by earth rotation?

Partially. The pressure difference between warm air near equator and cold air near arctic causes air to rise at equator travel north to arctic then down and south back to equator. The rotation of the earth bends that north-south belt - faster at the equator than at the slower rotation at arctic. The result of both is the jet stream.

What is the name of low pressure belt located near the equator in the Indian ocean?

Tropical low pressure belt

What type of biome are you most likely to encounter 30 degrees north or south of the equator?

Tropical rainforest biome is most likely to be encountered 30 degrees north or south of the equator due to the hot and wet conditions found in these regions. The equatorial belt encompasses tropical rainforests with high biodiversity and dense vegetation.

Is the spring wheat belt located to the north of the winter wheat belt?
